€108.050 The share price increased by +3.45 %   26/07/2024 17:35


VINCI is a global company and leader in its sector. In response to the major challenges facing the world today, VINCI aims to be a force for good by contributing to the development of attractive cities, efficient transport infrastructure and modern work spaces without compromising the environment. VINCI strongly emphasises listening and dialogue with its stakeholders in all its business lines.
The company’s sustainability commitments are outlined in the VINCI Manifesto, which sets out the values shared by all employees, and these core values are defined in five reference documents:

- The Code of Ethics and Conduct, which is a direct extension of Commitment no. 2 of the Manifesto, lays down all the principles of business ethics that apply in all circumstances, in all countries where the Group operates and to all companies and their employees.

It is used in tandem with the Anti-corruption Code of Conduct, which details the rules concerning the prevention of all acts of corruption, notably identifying risks in business processes and defining conduct to be avoided.
These two documents are available in 31 languages on the Group intranet and website. They can therefore be accessed by almost 100% of employees in the official language of their country and are included in the new employee welcome kit. The Group’s 53,000 key managers have undertaken to comply with them and ensure they are applied within the scope of their responsibility.

- The Guide on Human Rights, which is also an extension of the Manifesto, reiterates the risks identified and their implications for the Group’s companies and presents a common set of guidelines on how to handle issues concerning human rights.
These guidelines are based on the principles of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR), on the eight fundamental Conventions of the International Labor Organisation (ILO) and on the OECD Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises. The Guide on Human Rights is available in 21 languages, and can therefore be accessed by more than 98% of the Group’s employees.

- The Declaration on Essential and Fundamental Actions Concerning Occupational Health and Safety, an extension of Commitment no. 5 of the Manifesto, reflects a shared determination to achieve the “zero accidents” objective. The declaration is the fruit of constructive and regular social dialogue. As part of a continuous improvement policy, it affirms that progress can only be made with all employees and their representatives through the promotion of our safety culture. It is available in 22 languages, and can be accessed by more than 98% of the Group’s employees.

- The environmental guidelines, which are an extension of Commitment no. 3 of the Manifesto, provide a framework designed to minimise the risks and impact of the Group’s activities on the environment. All Group companies must follow these guidelines so we can improve and adapt our actions to protect the environment everywhere we operate. All subsidiaries are responsible for ensuring similar efforts are made by subcontractors and joint contractors throughout a project’s entire lifespan. This document is available in 11 languages.

Code of ethics and conduct

VINCI was built on strong values, which underpin our corporate culture and guide our activities. For most of us, these values are implicit and unwritten. In a group that hires several thousand new employees every year, it is important to spell them out.

This is the primary purpose of this document, which invites all Group employees to exercise a great vigilance in the proper implementation of this Code.

Ethics and Vigilance Department

The Group’s Ethics and Vigilance Department liaises with the operational and functional departments to ensure the Code of Ethics and Conduct is properly circulated, and supports implementation of mechanisms to prevent and manage risks relating to ethics. It can be contacted directly and entirely confidentially by all employees and all other stakeholders regarding the application of the principles set out in the Code. The Department Head reports directly to the Group Chairman and CEO. 

Anti-corruption Code of Conduct

Our Code of Ethics and Conduct lays down the rules of conduct applicable to all our companies and to all our employees. Combatting corruption is at the forefront of these principles.

For all VINCI Group employees, this means behaving in an irreproachable manner, as well as participating, within the scope of their activities, in corruption prevention measures.

These measures are largely based on this Anti-Corruption Code of Conduct, on the identification of corruption risks, and on the implementation of preventive actions.

Guide on Human rights

To support our international development

As an international company, VINCI employs a large number of people on our sites and in our businesses, whether by recruiting them directly or through our subcontractors. While the institutional context and working environment can vary markedly from one country to another, we have a duty everywhere to observe the rights of those persons and of local communities that might be affected by our projects and activities.
Thus, as early as 2003, the Group voluntarily took the step of signing the United Nations Global Compact, whereby it undertakes to support and promote human rights in its sphere of influence. In 2013, VINCI developed a handbook on fundamental social rights.

A framework document prepared jointly with the Group’s business divisions

VINCI’s companies operate in a growing number of countries. Therefore, we decided to formalize a more specific joint commitment, named VINCI’s guidelines on human rights. They constitute a direct extension of the VINCI Manifesto, which covers all aspects of our corporate responsibility.
VINCI’s guidelines have been carried out by the Group’s network of Human Resources Departments and business divisions. This collective thinking has resulted in the identification of the main risks associated with human rights and the principles and behaviour to be adopted to prevent such risks.

A progressive approach

The formalization of these guidelines must be understood not as a coercive but as a progressive approach. Consequently, a document has been produced and it can change over time. Furthermore, it has been submitted to employee representative bodies for consultation.
VINCI’s Guide on human rights gathers VINCI’s guidelines for the five areas identified (see diagram) and addresses the concept of due diligence, in line with the underlying trend towards the strengthening of ethical principles.

Occupational health and safety

On 1 June 2017, Xavier Huillard, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of VINCI, and Noureddine Boudjeniba, Secretary of the European Works Council, signed a joint declaration concerning occupational health and safety.

 The declaration reflects a shared determination to achieve the Zero Accidents objective and provide a reference frameworkfor the essential and fundamental actions to implement and follow-up actions and analyses that must take place within Group companies.

 The declaration reflects the constructive regular dialogue between management and labour. As part of a continuous improvement policy, it affirms that that progress can only be made with all employees and their representatives involved through the promotion of our safety culture.

Subcontractor relations guidelines

VINCI was built on the strong values that underpin its identity. We strive, in our Together progamme, to reach out to all our stakeholders and engage in dialogue with them.

The VINCI Manifesto presents our social and environmental responsibility policy. Our Code of Ethics and Conduct sets out the conduct expected of our employees. These Subcontractor Relations Guidelines spell out the six fundamental commitments made by the Group’s purchasing and contract management officers, who will see to it that they are implemented, and reflects the importance of forging working relationships based on fairness with our subcontractors and suppliers.

Last updated: 23/06/2023