€108.050 The share price increased by +3.45 %   26/07/2024 17:35

Partnership with cities and regions

VINCI is committed to contributing to economic development and social cohesion in cities and regions. It is doing so in three ways, principally: promoting local jobs, providing professional integration programmes for people at risk of exclusion, and supporting social and economic initiatives.

Professional integration


VINCI promotes equal opportunity and provides long-term job seekers with coherent paths towards integration through employment, including access to training and taking into account issues relating to their social background.

Measures and action:

  • • Setting up and expanding VINCI Insertion Emploi (ViE, the Group’s social integration structure), to help people on the fringes of the job market to return to stable employment, and to support them throughout their contract (2,735 people on integration contracts in 2022);
  • • ViE also works with Group companies on their initiatives to foster inclusion, helping them fulfil their integration clauses and optimise their impact;
  • • Rolling out the Give Me Five programme to stimulate integration through work among youths from priority neighbourhoods.
  • • Creating five social joint-ventures bringing together a Group subsidiary and a non-profit;
  • • Other initiatives to stimulate integration, skills development and local entrepreneurship.

Key indicators:

1 million integration hours managed annually in France by ViE (VINCI Insertion Emploi, the Group’s social integration structure)

Socio-economic footprints


VINCI is made up of a network of local companies that have long-established roots in the regions where they operate. Thanks to theselocal roots, as well as the autonomy and opportunities for initiative made possible by the Group’s decentralised management model, VINCI companies play an important part in the life of surrounding communities (Manifesto commitments 1 and 4). VINCI assesses its impacts and socio-economic footprints to quantify the wealth that it produces and distributes in its host geographies.

Measures and action:

· Measuring the socio-economic footprint of business activities in France in 2022, and of a number of major projects.

Key indicators:

1,6% of all jobs in France are supported by VINCI (463,100 jobs).

1.5% of France’s GDP (€35 billion)

49% of purchases from small and medium enterprises 

Foundations and civic engagement


VINCI encourages civic engagement on the part of its employees and companies, mainly through its corporate foundations and endowmentfunds. Local projects that support social and professional integration for underprivileged people are a key focus.

Measures and action:

  • • The Group’s network of 17 foundations around the world supported some 500 projects sponsored by almost 1,570 employees;
  • • Civic initiatives undertaken by the Group’s business lines, divisions and companies;
  • • Setting up a solidarity platform for employees to help out.

Key indicators:

€55.5 million in support for non-profits, via the Group’s foundations, in 20 years 

Give Me Five

VINCI has been rolling out an extensive programme to help tackle social inequalities among youths from priority neighbourhoods in 10 French regions since the end of 2018. The programme is called Give Me Five and revolves around five initiatives:
• Vocational guidance, with the French Ministry of Education: welcoming 5,000 high-school students from priority education networks selected by academic authorities, for placements to discover the business world;
• Personalised support, with local non-profit networks (Uni Cités, Institut Télémaque, Crée ton Avenir, Viens Voir Mon Taf): academic support, meetings, workshops, etc.;
• Employability, with France’s National Agency for Adult Professional Training (AFPA): a bespoke programme for long-term job seekers, which was selected by the Ministry of Employment and Integration under its 100% Inclusion initiative;
• Integration, with Mozaïc RH, a sourcing consultancy specialised in diversity and inclusion: gap-year and graduate internships for students, from those enrolled in high-school vocational courses to those pursuing master’s programmes, to foster more inclusive HR practices;
Apprenticeships: a system to link contract vacancies with training requests is up and run since 2021.

Responsible purchasing


VINCI is committed to building a responsible purchasing policy, aiming to measure and take into account workforce-related, social and environmental factors when selecting its partners. The Group’s extensive use of local suppliers and subcontractors is another example of its efforts to encourage sustainable socio-economic development in its host regions. The Group sees responsible purchasing as a performance and innovation driver, and as an opportunity to establish solid, long-term customer-supplier relationships.

Measures and action:

  • • Available tools: responsible purchasing handbook, e-learning, training for purchasing officers, and risk mapping;
  • • Factoring environmental and social considerations into the Group’s purchasing and its supplier and subcontractor assessments and audits;
  • • Responsible approach to subcontracting;

Key indicators:

Over 3,500 employees trained in responsible purchasing 

Last updated: 20/03/2023