€109.600 The share price increased by +0.09 %   16/09/2024 17:35

Socio-Economic Footprints

As a major actor in the development of cities and regions, VINCI recognized the need to measure its socio-economic impacts. This socio-economic footprint enables the Group to identify and measure the economic flows of all its business lines in terms of purchases, wages and taxes and have a boarder view of its activities within a geographical area, and quantify the wealth produced and distributed by the Group across territories.

How is VINCI contributing to the French territories?

VINCI’s contribution to the regions is measured through three main indicators: spendings (mainly purchases) by the Group with its suppliers, wages paid and taxes.

These flows have an impact on the economy and it is possible to model the economic spin-offs, sector by sector, territory by territory, using the tool developed by UTOPIES.

This shows that VINCI’s socio-economic weight is not limited to « direct » impacts, and that each job and each purchase linked to the activity generates, in turn, additional jobs and purchases, as if by successive waves.

jobs supported in France
i.e. 1.6%
of national jobs
35 bn
of contribution to GDP
i.e. 1.5%
of national GDP)
jobs supported for
€1 m
spent by VINCI
€4,2 bn
of taxes paid within French territory (taxes, social costs and notary fees)
of purchases from suppliers
based in France
of purchases
made from VSES/SMES

Our presence in every region

Socio-Economic Footprints of VINCI in France map
Regionjobs supported% of local jobsGDP% of local GDP
Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes53,5501.5%€3,8 bn 1.4%
Bourgogne-Franche-Comté12,4701.1%€740 m0.9%
Bretagne13,210 0.9%€795 m 0.8%
Centre Val-de-Loire13,690 1.4%€1,4 bn 0.9%
Grand-Est27,0801.3%€1,7 bn0.9%
Haut-de-France20,0001.5%€1,7 bn 1.0%
Île-de-France170,900 2.6%€12,4 bn 1.6%
Normandie28,1901.3%€1,3 bn 1.3%
Nouvelle Aquitaine27,8101.1%€2,6 bn1.4%
Occitanie27,3501.2%€2,5 bn1.4%
Pays de la Loire21,4901.3%€1.8 bn1.5%
Provence-Alpes-Côte d’Azur33,2701.6%€3,4 bn 2.0%
Corse4900.4%€26 bn 0.3%
DOM13,4102.1%€740 m 1.7%

A broader social responsibility

VINCI is committed to improve social cohesion within the regions. This contribution is illustrated by our commitment to inclusion and diversity through a number of measures that promote gender equality, employment of young people and, more broadly, of anyone at risk of exclusion, partnerships with the social solidarity economy and civic engagement.

people supported towards long-term employment by VINCI insertion emploi (VIE)
young people supported through
The Give Me Five program
young people on work-study contracts
€40 m
of purchases made with social
and solidarity economy players
Last updated: 06/01/2023