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Respect for human rights

VINCI is committed to preventing breaches of human rights and to raising employment and working standards in the countries where it operates. The Group’s human rights risk prevention policy is communicated in VINCI’s Guide on Human Rights. It provides an overview of the issues identified and their implications for the Group’s companies, and presents a shared set of guidelines, indicating the specific approaches to be adopted with respect to 5 main issues and 17 themes.


VINCI is committed to preventing breaches of human rights and to raising employment and working standards in the countries where it operates.
The Group’s human rights risk prevention policy is communicated in VINCI’s Guide on Human Rights. It provides an overview of the issues identified and their implications for the Group’s companies, and presents a shared set of guidelines, indicating the specific approaches to be adopted with respect to 5 main issues and 17 themes.
Procedures to coordinate and monitor measures are in place to ensure commitments to protect the rights of people and local communities that may be impacted by its projects and activities cascade to VINCI’s entities, their projects and their worksites.
VINCI’s approach to human rights and the actions it takes are detailed in the Group’s duty of vigilance plan.

Measures and action:

Analysing and mapping human rights risks associated with activities;
• All Group entities have access to tools to prevent and assess risks via the Managing Human Rights platform, available in 3 languages;
• Publishing and circulating VINCI’s Guide on Human Rights (available in 23 languages);
• Launching an e-learning module on human rights for operational teams (available in 7 languages);
• Contributing to and taking part in targeted collaborative initiatives:

   • Building Responsibly,a global business initiative co-founded by VINCI. This group of leading engineering and construction companies is working together to produce common standards, upgrade their practices and share their tools. Following publication of the Worker Welfare Principles, a set ofGuidance notes were written to provide a frame of reference for the sector;

   • Leadership Group for Responsible Recruitment, which welcomed VINCI to its steering committee in June 2017. This collaborative initiativebetween leading companies and expert organisations strives to promote responsible recruitment practices and eradicate debt bondage;

   • Entreprises pour les droits de l’Homme, (Businesses for Human Rights), of which VINCI is an executive board member. This association of 16 leading French companies is a forum for discussion, initiatives and proposals by these businesses to promote improved integration of human rights into business policies and practices;

   • Global Compact:
As early as 2003, the Group signed the United Nations Global Compact, whereby it undertakes to support and promote human rights in its sphere of influence.

   • Business for Inclusive Growth (B4IG)
A global initiative managed by the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) and made up of around 30 multinationals committed to encouraging more inclusive growth. Its main focus areas are promoting human rights in companies’ value chains, building more inclusive workplaces and measuring impacts.


The human rights policy is coordinated by the Corporate Social Responsibility Department, reporting to the Human ResourcesDepartment and the Group’s Vice-President, Human Resources, who is a member of VINCI’s Executive Committee. It is cascaded through a human rights steering committee, made up of the heads of human resources in the business lines and divisions.
This committee was set up in 2015 and meets every quarter. Its members keep their respective management committees informed and are in charge of disseminating and rolling out measures in their respective business lines and divisions.

More than 23,000 employees in the Group covered by human rights assessments

Or 66% of the workforce in high-priority countries as identified by the Group

VINCI human rights guidelines


In Qatar, where VINCI is present through its joint venture Qatari Diar VINCI Construction (QDVC), employment and working conditions have been monitored more closely, leading to a number of measures which are detailed on this page.

Last updated: 20/03/2023