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School relations

Giving students an opportunity to learn about our activities and values

At VINCI, we provide students from fourth year secondary school through to the top engineering schools with wide exposure to the skill sets and expertise of the concession, construction and energy businesses, by offering a wide range of programmes. This also gives young people an opportunity to contribute to our mission as a private-sector partner working in the public interest, serving the regions.

Over and above these goals, our student/school outreach programme also aims to show that our activities are all about finding solutions for building a sustainable world and engaging with our stakeholders. This is a key principle of the VINCI Manifesto.

Across all the Group's businesses, based on the needs of each business segment, special bonds and long-term relationships have been established with partner schools such as the École spéciale des travaux publics, du bâtiment et de l'industrie (ESTP), the École des Ponts ParisTech, the École des hautes études commerciales (HEC), the Le Corbusier vocational high school, and the Institut universitaire de technologie de Saint-Nazaire. Thanks to the strong local roots of the companies within the Group, we are able to forge relationships at all levels, from local to national.

The humanistic approach to engineering

A model promoted by VINCI with its partner the INSA (National Institutes of Applied Sciences) Foundation.
Discover the actions they have implemented together!

From forums and challenges through to recruitment

VINCI connects with students mainly through campus-based actions (forums, hands-on workshops, individual coaching, face-to-face talks). Each year, innovative events such as challenges, hackathons, panel discussions, etc. are also organised to engage further with students. The varied themes reflect the Group's array of activities and centres of interest: innovation, foresight, sustainable construction, smart cities, as well as diversity and equal opportunities.

In addition to organising events and talks, the Group is committed to opening up its companies around the world to students. Each year, nearly 15,000 of them join us for internship, apprenticeship, work-study or international volunteering contracts. Each of these programmes fits into a pre-recruitment approach.

From vocational certificates to engineering school degrees, from basic training level to work-study programmes, the profiles we recruit are as diverse as our businesses. Whatever your profile and level of education, come and explore the opportunities VINCI has to offer!

VINCI believes in apprenticeship programmes

The proactive reform introduced in 2018 by the French government to boost the national apprenticeship scheme has reinvigorated VINCI's commitment to recruiting and integrating young apprentices, as well as playing its role as a responsible employer.

Last updated: 25/05/2021