€108.050 The share price increased by +3.45 %   26/07/2024 17:35

Too curious?

At VINCI, those who always want to know more and are thirsty for knowledge can put their open minds in the service of exciting projects.

Discover the creativity of Camille

Too curious? You have to constantly find new ideas and avoid routine. It is easy to fall into a rut and you need to systematically refresh the way you do things.

Camille enjoys working with us.

Discover the creativity of Caroline

Too curious? I always like to know how things are done, the technique, all that. That’s usually the technical expert’s job but I still enjoy watching carefully, because I like knowing what I’m talking about.

Caroline enjoys working with us.

Discover the creativity of Cheikh

Too curious? A project is an ongoing challenge! You have to keep learning new skills and to pass them on. And that fascinates me!

Cheikh enjoys working with us.

Discover the creativity of Claire

Too curious? It’s one of the particular things about people on projects like this: we love coming into work, not knowing what we’re going to do, finding new systems and learning from others.

Claire enjoys working with us.

Discover the creativity of Marc

Too curious? You need to listen to everyone! It’s only together that we plan an operation and everyone is important!

Marc enjoys working with us.

Discover the creativity of Monique

Too curious? The ultimate aim is to convince people of the merits of all that, of our measures, our procedures, our policy, for their well-being and that of the company.

Monique enjoys working with us.

Discover the creativity of Thomas

Too curious? Asking myself many questions is part of my job, some people can find it exhausting, I find it stimulating.

Thomas enjoys working with us.

Discover the creativity of Xavier

Too curious? So curiosity is a character flaw? Not all all - curiosity is important if you want to understand and adapt.

Xavier enjoys working with us.