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Yannick Assouad

Yannick Assouad

Executive Vice-President, Avionics, Thales, Seniormitglied des Verwaltungsrats

Mitglied des Verwaltungsrats seit : 2013
Ende des aktuellen Mandats: HV 2025
Zahl der von VINCI gehaltenen Eigenaktien: 1.000 zum 31. 12. 2023
Alter: 64 Jahre
Director considered independent by the Board of Directors.
Kontakt-E-Mail-Adresse: administrateur.referent@vinci.com

Mandate in konzernfremden börsennotierten Unternehmen
Zum 31. 12. 2023 ausgeübte Mandate

In den letzten fünf Geschäftsjahren ausgelaufene Mandate
- Chief Executive Officer and member of the Board of Latécoère
- Director of Arkema

Mandate in nicht börsennotierten Unternehmen oder sonstigen Organisationen
Zum 31. 12. 2023 ausgeübte Mandate
- Member of the Board of Directors of ENAC (École Nationale de l’Aviation Civile) Member of the Executive Committee of Gifas (Groupement des Industries Françaises Aéronautiques et Spatiales)
- Chairman and Director of various companies within Thales’ Avionics division
- Director of Meca Dev, the holding company for Mecachrome, an aviation subcontractor

In den letzten fünf Geschäftsjahren ausgelaufene Mandate

Weitere Sachkompetenzen und berufliche Erfahrung
Yannick Assouad is a graduate of the Institut National des Sciences Appliquées de Lyon and the Illinois Institute of Technology. She joined Thomson CSF in 1986, where she was head of the thermal and mechanical analysis group until 1998. From 1998 to 2003, Ms Assouad served first as Technical Director and then as Chief Executive Officer of Honeywell Aerospace, before being appointed Chairman of Honeywell SECAN.
In 2003, she joined Zodiac Aerospace, initially as Chief Executive Officer of Intertechnique Services, a post she held until 2008. Appointed to Zodiac Aerospace’s Executive Committee that same year, Ms Assouad was selected to create the group’s Services business segment, which she headed until 2010, when she was appointed Chief Executive Officer of its Aircraft Systems segment.
In May 2015, she became the first Chief Executive Officer of Zodiac Cabin, a newly created segment of Zodiac Aerospace. In November 2015, she was named to the Executive Board of Zodiac Aerospace. From November 2016 to March 2020, she served as Chief Executive Officer of Latécoère. In July 2020, Thales appointed her as Executive Vice-President, Avionics.

Letzte Aktualisierung: 10. 06. 2024