€110.600 The share price increased by +0.23 %   19/09/2024 17:35

Roberto Migliardi

Roberto Migliardi

Business Engineer, Axians Communication & Systems
Director representing employees

Director since: 2022
Current appointment ends: 2026
Number of VINCI shares held: 0 at 31/12/2023
Age: 64

Within the VINCI Group
Appointments and other positions held at 31/12/2023
- Employee representative at the VINCI Group Works Council.
- Employee representative and Secretary of VINCI’s European Works Council.
- Secretary of the Social and Economic Committee of Interact Systèmes IDF

Appointments and other positions that have expired during the last five financial years

After training as an electrical technician, Roberto Migliardi started his career in 1989 as a Foreman with Saunier Duval. In 1988, he joined the VINCI Energies group, where he was Site Manager and then Site Supervisor with SDEL Video Telecom, before becoming Business Engineer at Axians Communications & Systems in 2009.

Last updated: 10/06/2024