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The Grand Paris - A project to invent the city of tomorrow

Launched in 2010 in response to 21st-century challenges, the Grand Paris project seeks to link up the entire Greater Paris region. This innovative urban development project aims to transform the entire region, forging new ties between inhabitants and revitalising the local economy.

Scheduled for completion in 2030, this large project aims to create the city of tomorrow by extending existing public transport lines and building new lines to link up reinvented economic and cultural hubs. The project draws on all of VINCI’s business lines and areas of expertise.

The Grand Paris, a project like no other in Europe

The Grand Paris project’s size and ambitious logistical objectives, coupled with the financial investment it has attracted, set it apart from other projects in Europe, even though it is often compared with London’s Crossrail, a project to build a new railway line crossing the capital from west to east. Changes made during the project will most certainly go down in history, as did Haussmann’s work to radically modernise Paris in the mid-19th century.

With 68 new stations and 200 km of automated lines, the iconic Grand Paris Express will provide users across the region with a transport network whose reach will equal that of the current Paris metro network. Extending Line 14 and creating lines 15, 16, 17 and 18 will open up transport options for people across the Greater Paris region, enabling them to move around within or between departments without having to go through Paris. Improving access to cultural and economic hubs and universities will make it easier for people living in isolated areas to access employment, training and leisure activities. This network will finally provide an effective alternative to cars, limiting pollution and easing congestion.

Over 115,000
indirect jobs generated as a result of the project stimulating economic growth

The Grand Paris, a collaborative project

Following on from calls for proposals such as Réinventer Paris (“Reinventing Paris”) or Réinventer la Seine (“Reinventing the Seine”), Société du Grand Paris and Métropole du Grand Paris have launched collaborative programmes to create new stations, the goal being to shape the way people interact with their surroundings. That is why, in a bid to put forward uses that best meet local needs, VINCI Immobilier has actively sought input from a diverse range of people, including architects, sociologists, managers, start-ups and artists.

This collaborative approach has promoted innovative responses to local needs through studies.

Shaping a smart green city

The Grand Paris Express, a collaborative project 

Building the city of tomorrow also involves embracing innovations that help urban areas move into a more eco-friendly, energy-efficient era with greater affordability and user comfort.

  • • REHASKEEN©: these bespoke, precast façade insulation boards are simple, inexpensive, sustainable and quick to install and help to industrialise and accelerate the thermal renovation of energy-intensive buildings.
  • • Mur rideau: this system used on building façades absorbs solar energy.

  • • GreenFloor: this underfloor heating, ventilation and air conditioning system, which was developed by VINCI Construction and VINCI Energies, improves thermal comfort for occupants while limiting energy consumption and saving on space.
  • • Power Road®: this heat exchanger integrated into the roadway, which was developed by Eurovia (VINCI Construction), stores energy which can be used to heat nearby buildings or remove snow from roads in the winter.

The Grand Paris is a comprehensive project that seeks to change the face of architecture as well as transport and energy infrastructure by completely rethinking urban spaces and our future lives.

Last updated: 14/02/2022