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Introducing VINCI jobs to girls in priority areas

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Girls visiting the ”e-déf, Eole-La-Défense” worksite for the launch of the programme, in October 2020!

18 December 2020 - Sustainability - France

To combat the stereotypes girls sometimes have about construction & civil engineering jobs - still too often thought of as jobs for men - and to stimulate new career interests, the Fondation VINCI pour la Cité and the non-profit Rêv’Elles are launching the ”Rêv’Elles Me Construction & Civil Engineering Jobs” programme.

Over a year, it will allow some 150 girls from priority education areas in the Paris region to participate in immersion days or coaching sessions alongside volunteer VINCI women employees. A new partnership that dovetails with VINCI’s actions to promote gender mix, equal opportunity and professional integration at a time when only 12.3% of women work in construction & civil engineering in France.