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Handover of the tunnel and stations of works package 1 of Line b of the automatic metro in Rennes

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In total, 330 people worked on this project on an integration-through-work basis, accounting for 250,000 hours of work, i.e. 100,000 hours more than laid down in the contract.

18 December 2018 - Projects update and handover - France

After five years of works, on behalf of the Rennes metropolis and public transport operator Semtcar, the joint venture composed of Dodin Campenon Bernard (leader), GTM Ouest and Botte Fondations (both VINCI Construction France), Spie Batignolles Génie Civil, Spie Fondations and Legendre Ouest has completed the tunnelling (8.5 km of tunnel) and civil engineering works for Line b, i.e. nine stations and four ventilation shafts.

Over a period of 38 months, the teams operating the TBM Elaine (length: 82 m; diameter: 9 m) have installed a total of 29,806 voussoirs. Line b will connect the southwest and northeast of the metropolitan area, serving 15 stations, by 2020.