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VINCI Foundations and funds

Active on the ground, fostering professional and social integration

VINCI foundations and funds: the Group and its employees are involved around the world

VINCI encourages its employees and companies to take part in local civic engagement initiatives. Its foundations and endowment funds make this engagement real by supporting local projects that foster social and professional integration among people in difficult circumstances.

Since 2002, 16 organisations or programmes have been set up around the world, enabling employees to become involved in assignments serving the general interest.

The citizen initiatives by the Group’s business lines, divisions and companies supplement this system. For example, through the Issa programme Sogea-Satom, a VINCI Construction subsidiary in Africa, works with the regions and their communities in the vicinity of worksites, by supporting numerous initiatives in the areas of education, health, energy and food self-sufficiency.

Key figures

VINCI sponsorship
organisations set up around the world
since 2002

million for
charity projects
employees working on solidarity
initiatives via the
Group’s foundations


Two angles to tackle exclusion

Professional integration: acting for equal opportunity

VINCI’s foundations and funds support local organisations that usher the long-term unemployed back into sustainable jobs. These organisations also provide help in the form of guidance and training for people with few or no qualifications.

For instance, to improve young women’s understanding of VINCI’s businesses and to promote equal opportunity, in 2021 the Fondation VINCI pour la Cité and the organisation Rêv’elles continued the “Rêv’elles moi les métiers du BTP” programme in the Greater Paris area and in the region of Lyon to teach them about jobs in the construction industry. The programme aims to enable nearly 150 young women from low-income neighbourhoods who are supported by the organisation to spend a work day in one of the VINCI companies or to receive career guidance. In all, nearly 60 women employees worked with the young women supported by the organisation.

Another angle involves setting up social joint ventures around collaboration between a VINCI company and a non-profit. Five of these ventures currently include people on integration programmes:

  • · Tridev, co-founded by Eurovia (VINCI Construction) and the Id’ees group, specialised in green space maintenance and building deconstruction (10 employees, including 8 on integration programmes);

  • · Tim, co-founded by VINCI Energies France and the Vitamine T group, specialised in a range of services (11 employees, including 9 on integration programmes);

  • · Baseo, co-founded by VINCI Construction France and the Id’ees group, specialised in services for living facilities at project sites (35 employees, including 29 on integration programmes);

  • · Liva, co-founded by VINCI Construction France and the Ares group, specialised in construction site logistics (150 employees, including 92 on integration programmes);

  • · Inva, co-founded by VINCI Autoroutes and the La Varappe group, specialised in service area facilities maintenance and multiservices activities (50 employees, including 35 on integration programmes).

Strengthening social ties

VINCI also supports non-profits that are working to strengthen social ties and help people living in priority neighbourhoods overcome social exclusion and isolation. These organisations include broad-based charities, literacy centres, non-profits fostering integration through sport and culture, etc.

In France, as part of its Cité Solidaire (Solidarity in the Community) programme, the Fondation VINCI pour la Cité gave its support to eight non-profits conducting outreach in four priority neighbourhoods in Narbonne (southern France) in 2021. One was Concept-Luoga, which develops travelling devices (carts, itinerant digital spaces) to circulate local information and facilitate access to local services in public spaces. The organisations were granted a total of €80,000 and also benefit from the support and skills of 21 VINCI employee sponsors.

“Learning cafés” providing free academic support for disadvantaged children aged 6 to 15: that idea came from Caritas, a charity working in some cities in Kärnten, Austria. VINCI’s endowment fund allocated €20,000 in financial aid to the café and a VINCI employee volunteers at it helping children with their homework.

Sponsoring skills: employees get involved to serve the general interest

Through the VINCI Solidarity online platform, Group employees can find opportunities to work with a charity on a cause they care about on short- or long-term assignments. National and local non-profits post new assignments on a regular basis.

Young people, who have been significantly affected by the health crisis, are one of the key targets: in line with the French government initiative « #1jeune, 1solution » (#1youth1solution), the foundation is taking action through mentoring. It provides opportunities for Group employees to mentor youths from disadvantaged backgrounds through the non-profits NQT, Télémaque, >Kodiko and Proxité. Around 220 employees have already got involved in various programmes throughout France.

Discover the actions of VINCI foundations and funds around the world:

Fondation VINCI pour la Cité (France)
VINCI Nordic Foundation (Nordic countries)
Chantiers & Territoires Solidaires (France)
Fonds VINCI (Belgium)
Fundación VINCI España (Spain)
Isle of Wight Fondation (United Kingdom)
Nadace VINCI (Czech Republic)
Nadacia Granvia (Slovakia)
Programa VINCI para a Cidadania (Portugal)
Sillon Solidaire (France)
Syndesmos VINCI (Greece)
VINCI Foundation NL (Netherlands)
VINCI Stiftung (Germany)
VINCI UK Foundation (United Kingdom and Ireland)
Fundación VINCI Colombia (Colombia)

Last updated: 07/04/2022