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2013 interim financial statements - Financial statements

Financial statements

- Key figures
- Consolidated income statement for the period
- Consolidated comprehensive income statement for the period
- Consolidated balance sheet
- Consolidated cash flow statement

Key figures

(in € millions)First half 2013First half 2012 (*) Change
first half
2013/2012 (*)
Full year 2012 (*)
Revenue (**) 18,711.3 17,942.3 4.3%38,633.6 
Revenue generated in France (**) 11,809.611,495.4 2.7%24,324.2 
% of revenue (**)63.1%64.1% 63.0%
Revenue generated outside France (**) 6,901.7 6,446.9 7.1%14,309.4 
% of revenue (**)36.9%35.9% 37.0%
Operating income from ordinary activities 1,487.0 1,546.5 -3.8%3,679.4 
% of revenue (**)7.9%8.6% 9.5%
Operating income 1,484.4 1,525.9 -2.7%3,659.9 
Net income attributable to owners of the parent 747.8 784.6 -4.7%1,917.2 
Diluted earnings per share (in €)1.37 1.44 -4.7%3.54 
Dividend per share (in €) 0.55 (***)0.55 (***)0.0%1.77 
Cash flow from operations 2,382.9  2,346.9 1.5%5,418.5 
Operating investment (net of disposals) (298.2)(357.9)-16.7%(742.1)
Growth investments in concessions and PPPs (398.6)(598.1)-33.4%(1,139.6)
Free cash flow (after investments) (233.3) (358.6)-34.9%1,983.0 
Equity including non-controlling interests 14,385.9 13,111.2 1,274.6 13,767.6 
Net financial debt (12,997.7) (14,239.2)1,241.5 (12,526.8)

(*) Amounts adjusted in line with the change in accounting method arising from the application of IAS 19 Amended "Employee Benefits".
(**) Excluding concession subsidiaries’ revenue derived from works carried out by non-Group companies.
(***) Interim dividend which, in respect of 2013, will be paid in the second half of the year.


Consolidated income statement for the period

(in € millions)First half 2013 First half 2012 (*) Full year 2012 (*)
Revenue (**) 18,711.3 17,942.3 38,633.6 
Concession subsidiaries’ revenue derived from works carried out by non-Group companies 172.0  279.5 549.6 
Total revenue 18,883.2 18,221.8 39,183.2 
Revenue from ancillary activities 118.2 108.5 234.4 
Operating expenses (17,514.4)(16,783.8)(35,738.3)
Operating income from ordinary activities 1,487.0 1,546.5 3,679.4 
Share-based payments (IFRS 2) (43.2)(48.6)(94.3)
Goodwill impairment expense (0.7)(1.0)(7.5)
Profit/(loss) of companies accounted for under the equity method 41.3 29.0 82.3 
Operating income 1,484.4 1,525.9 3,659.9 
Cost of gross financial debt (334.4)(374.8)(726.8)
Financial income from cash investments 39.1 49.2 89.1 
Cost of net financial debt (295.4)(325.6)(637.7)
Other financial income 36.7 69.1 111.6 
Other financial expense (48.5)(49.6)(135.9)
Income tax expense (384.5)(392.1)(972.0)
Net income from continuing operations 792.6 827.7 2,025.9 
Net income from discontinued operations (halted or sold)
Net income 792.6 827.7 2,025.9 
Net income attributable to non-controlling interests 44.9 43.1 108.7 
Net income attributable to owners of the parent 747.8 784.6 1,917.2 
Earnings per share attributable to owners of the parent    
Basic earnings per share (in €) 1.38 1.46 3.57 
Diluted earnings per share (in €)1.37 1.44 3.54 

(*) Amounts adjusted in line with the change in accounting method arising from the application of IAS 19 Amended "Employee Benefits".
(**) Excluding concession subsidiaries’ revenue derived from works carried out by non-Group companies.


Consolidated comprehensive income statement for the period

 First half 2013 First half 2012 (*) Full year 2012 (*)
(in € millions)Attributable
to owners of
the parent 
to non-
to owners of
the parent 
to non-
to owners of
the parent 
to non-
Net income 747.844.9 792.6 784.6 43.1 827.7 1,917.2 108.7 2,025.9 
Financial instruments of controlled
companies: changes in fair value
of which
Available-for-sale financial assets53.5(0.0)53.521.6 (0.0)21.6 17.6 (0.0)17.6 
Cash flow hedges (**)58.9-58.9(72.2)(0.8)(73.1)(65.3)(0.7)(66.0)
Financial instruments of companies
accounted for under the equity
method: changes in fair value
Currency translation differences (61.3)(3.4)(64.7)48.15.353.432.73.936.6
Tax (***) (59.5)(2.3)(61.8)63.13.967.076.43.980.4
Other comprehensive income
that may be recycled subsequently to net income
Actuarial gains and losses on
retirement benefit obligations
Tax 18.8-18.826.70.226.939.40.339.7
Other comprehensive income
that may not be recycled subsequently to net income
Total other comprehensive income
recognised directly in equity
of which :         
Controlled companies(43.5)(2.8)(46.3)(90.8)0.2(90.6)(151.0)(2.3)(153.3)
Companies accounted for under the
equity method
Total comprehensive income 755.146.4801.4590.336.9627.11,648.099.61,747.7

(*) Amounts adjusted in line with the change in accounting method arising from the application of IAS 19 Amended "Employee Benefits".
(**) Changes in the fair value of cash flow hedges (interest rate hedges) are recognised in equity for the effective portion. Cumulative gains and losses in equity are taken to profit or loss at the time when the cash flow affects profit or loss.
(***) Including negative tax effects of €61.8 million relating to changes in the fair value of financial instruments in the first half of 2013 (compared with positive tax effects of €67.0 million in the first half of 2012), negative effects of €18.4 million relating to available-for-sale financial assets (compared with negative effects of €7.4 million in the first half of 2012) and negative effects of €43.4 million relating to the effective portion of cash flow hedges (compared with positive effects of €74.5 million in the first half of 2012).


Consolidated balance sheet

(in € millions)30/06/2013 30/06/2012 (*) 31/12/2012 (*)
Non-current assets    
Concession intangible assets 23,244.823,861.8 23,499.9 
Goodwill 6,598.16,428.2 6,609.3 
Other intangible assets 434.1379.0 437.4 
Property, plant and equipment 4,602.94,536.5 4,746.2 
Investment property 10.230.7 10.5 
Investments in companies accounted for under the equity method 844.2779.1 806.4 
Other non-current financial assets 1,667.61,571.5 1,646.4 
Deferred tax assets 234.5203.5 229.9 
Total non-current assets 37,636.337,790.4 37,985.9 
Current assets    
Inventories and work in progress 1,065.31,066.3 1,015.5 
Trade and other receivables 11,603.711,325.7 10,978.6 
Other current operating assets 4,731.74,388.7 4,505.5 
Other current non-operating assets 30.432.7 35.2 
Current tax assets 128.487.8 87.1 
Other current financial assets 484.2 383.5 421.1 
Cash management financial assets 1,308.6254.5 179.2 
Cash and cash equivalents 5,928.44,962.6 6,336.9 
Total current assets 25,280.222,501.8 23,559.1 
Total assets 62,916.660,292.1 61,545.0 

(*) Amounts adjusted in line with the change in accounting method arising from the application of IAS 19 Amended "Employee Benefits"



Last updated: 31/07/2013