Shareholders general meetings

Shareholders’ General Meeting of 12th April 2022
- 2022 Combined Shareholders’ General Meeting
- Movie of the year 2022
- Review of 2021
- 2021 financial performance
- 2022 outlook
- Environment
- Governance
- Statutory Auditors
- Floor open to shareholders
- Resolutions submitted to the Shareholders’ General Meeting
Minutes 2022
- certified extract minutes general meeting of shareholders 2022 (in french)
Results of the vote of resolutions
- results of the vote of resolutions sheet
- Answer to written questions submitted by shareholders
Documentation 2022
- the notice of meeting - combined shareholders’ general meeting of 12 avril 2022
- the proxy/postal voting form,
- the consolidated financial statements for the financial year 2021, page 276 and following of the universal registration document,
- the parent company financial statements for the financial year 2021, page 352 and following of the universal registration document,
- the five-year financial summary, page 365 and following of the universal registration document,
- the report of the Board of Directors, page 106 and following of the universal registration document,
- the corporate governance report, page 121 and following of the universal registration document,
- the report of the Vice-Chairman of the Board of directors, page 272 and following of the universal registration document,
- the report of the Lead Director of the Board of directors, page 273 and following of the universal registration document,
- the reasonable assurance report of one of the statutory auditors on the verification of selected social and environmental information, pages 268 and 269 of the universal registration document,
- the report of one of the statutory auditors, appointed as independent third party, on the verification of the consolidated non-financial performance statement, pages 270 and 271 of the universal registration document,
- the report of the statutory auditors on the consolidated financial statements, page 346 and following of the universal registration document,
- the report of the statutory auditors on the parent company financial statements, page 366 and following of the universal registration document,
- the appointments and positions held by the members of the board of directors and executive company officers, page 127 and following of the universal registration document,
- the curriculum vitae of Mr Xavier Huillard, Mrs Marie-Christine Lombard, Mr René Medori and a presentation of Qatar Holding LLC, page 49 and 50 of the notice of meeting,
- the curriculum vitae of Mr Claude Laruelle, page 50 of the notice of meeting,
- the statutory auditors’ fees, page 342 and following of the universal registration document,
- the picture of the authorizations granted by the shareholders meeting to the board of directors to increase the share capital, page 155 and 156 of the universal registration document,
- the special report of the statutory auditors on regulated agreements, page 369 of the universal registration document and and page 51 of the notice of meeting,
- the supplementary report to the Board of Directors meeting held on 15 June 2021, on the capital increase reserved for employees of VINCI and its French subsidiaries in connection with the Group savings plan in France and the corresponding statutory auditors’ supplementary report,
- the supplementary report to the Board of Directors meeting held on 20 October 2021, on the capital increase reserved for employees of VINCI and its French subsidiaries in connection with the Group savings plan in France and the corresponding statutory auditors’ supplementary report,
- the supplementary report to the Board of Directors meeting held on 3 February 2022, on the capital increase reserved for employees of VINCI and its French subsidiaries in connection with the Group savings plan in France and the corresponding statutory auditors’ supplementary report,
- the supplementary report on the decisions of the chairman and chief executive officer on 17 May 2021, acting by delegation of the Board of Directors dated 22 October 2020, relative to the capital increase reserved for employees of the VINCI foreign subsidiaries as part of the Group’s international savings plan and the corresponding statutory auditors’ supplementary report,
Learn more
- Communiqué : Assemblée générale des actionnaires de VINCI du 12 avril 2022 187.63 KB
- Presentation : 2023 Shareholder's General Meeting 13.01 MB