Partnership with cities and regions

Because VINCI’s businesses have strong local roots, we contribute to regional economic development and social cohesion. Encouraging local employment, developing professional integration programmes serving the long-term unemployed and other groups at risk of exclusion, and supporting social and economic initiatives are all key aspects of this contribution. In our Manifesto, we reaffirm our commitments to promoting outreach and consultation in conducting our projects and to supporting civic engagement among our employees.


Sustainability reports

Etude du cabinet Utopies sur la contribution de VINCI au développement des territoires en France
Empreinte socio-économique

Socio-Economic Footprints

As a major actor in the development of cities and regions, VINCI recognized the need to measure its socio-economic impacts.

Promoting access to employment in the regions where we operate

JVS Inva

We are committed to promoting social cohesion by ensuring access to education and employment for groups at risk of exclusion. This is why at VINCI we work to promote equal opportunities everywhere we are present. We thus offer well-structured professional integration programmes for the long-term unemployed that take the specific social challenges they face into account, focusing on inclusion through employment and training. 

As our companies are active in highly labour-intensive industries, they are also important vectors for the integration of the long-term unemployed, particularly at construction sites.  

Our areas of action

  • We are rolling out the Give Me Five programme to support professional integration among 12- to 25-year-olds from priority neighbourhoods and rural areas.
  • Through ViE, we also offer assistance to Group companies to strengthen to strengthen their social responsibility policies, manage integration clauses, recruit locally, develop local projects and optimise their impact everywhere in France.
  • To accompany and support integration policies across the Group, we have developed comprehensive social engineering expertise and we forge partnerships with organisations from the social and solidarity economy.
  • We are rolling out the Give Me Five programme to support professional integration among 12- to 25-year-olds from priority neighbourhoods and rural areas.
  • To facilitate access to employment for young people, we form many partnerships with training establishments and educational institutions, from apprenticeship training centres to engineering schools.  
  • We have set up five social ventures, which involve collaboration between a VINCI company and a non-profit.

2023 key indicators


middle school students reached by the Give Me Five programme


integration hours managed


people under the age of 26 recruited


people on the margins of the labour market assisted through integration programmes each year

Our solutions

Séance de mentorat Give Me Five

Give Me Five: promoting access to employment for young people from priority neighbourhoods and rural areas

Through the Give Me Five programme, we are working side by side with youths on their integration path and helping to expand equal opportunity in priority suburbs and rural communities. The programme started up at the end of 2018, reaches across France and covers five fronts:

  1. Career guidance, in partnership with the French Ministry of National Education: we have pledged to work with up to 10,000 12- to 15-year-old secondary school students and with 16- and 17-year-old vocational school students, introducing them to the business world and our lines of work;
  2. One-to-one support, with local non-profit networks: we started providing career guidance, academic support and thought-provoking workshops, in schools under the Versailles, Créteil, Lyon, Lille and Marseilles education authorities, in September 2020. VINCI employees throughout France can also mentor youths remotely, helping them consider their career choices and opportunities relating to work-based training programmes and work experience placements through Moov, an in-house programme; 
  3. Professional integration, on a programme led jointly by ViE (a VINCI social enterprise) and Mozaïk RH (a sourcing consultancy specialised in diversity and inclusion): we present our internships (to gain experience during a gap year, summer holidays or after graduation) and put students from priority neighbourhoods in touch with our companies’ recruiters; 
  4. Apprenticeships: we on-lined a platform in 2021 to enable youths to find out about the different courses that tie in with work-based training programmes at Group companies and to apply for them very easily. ViE and Mozaïk RH short-list students, then we invite them to meet VINCI recruiters at the Group’s stands, to discuss apprenticeship opportunities with them, during recruitment fairs organised around France by L’Étudiant, an online media outlet and higher education resource;
  5. Professional integration on Step, a programme led with ViE to provide one-to-one support enabling the long-term unemployed to return to stable jobs. The Step (“Stratégie territoriale pour l’emploi”) programme was selected on the 100 % Inclusion call for projects by the French Ministry of Labour, Employment and Integration.

Encouraging civic engagement

Mentorat deux hommes sur un banc

Through our corporate foundations and endowment funds, we promote civic engagement by our employees and our companies, mainly in relation to local projects supporting social inclusion and employability for people in need. 

Our areas of action

  • We have a network of 17 corporate foundations set up around the world.
  • We encourage civic initiatives by our business lines, divisions and companies.  
  • We facilitate employee engagement in these initiatives through VINCI Solidarity, our solidarity mobilisation platform. 

2023 key indicators


employees involved in solidarity initiatives via the Group’s Foundations


in funding allocated by the Group’s Foundations to tackle exclusion and promote inclusion


projects supported by VINCI Foundations

Helping to create value in regions

Membres de la fondation VINCI dans des vignes

Our aim is to co-build projects with stakeholders and other key actors, including elected officials, non-profits, people living near construction sites, the wider local community and users, that create value and thus contribute fully to regional development. 

This is made possible thanks to our companies’ long-established  roots in the regions where they operate as well as the autonomy and opportunities for initiative afforded to them by the Group’s decentralised management model. In this context, we favour the use of local suppliers and subcontractors. 

2023 key indicators


of all job openings in France from VINCI companies (more than 461,000 jobs)


contribution to French GDP, i.e. €35.7 billion


of purchases in France, including 48% from very small businesses