Our history

How did VINCI become a player on the world stage in concessions, energy and construction, with a presence in more than 100 countries? The VINCI Group spawned from a constellation of companies whose business lines of yesterday still remain with us today. VINCI’s history dates back to the 19th Century. More than a century of achievements contributing towards a shared ambition: to be useful to people and to take care of the planet.

How VINCI became VINCI

How VINCI became VINCI

Le pont Al-Cesar sur la ligne transiranienne


Creation of the Group


Creation of the Girolou company (electricity power plants and networks, concessions)

To undertake the major Commercy sewer project in the Meuse department, two polytechnic engineers, Alexandre Giros and Louis Loucheur, founded the company Giros et Loucheur, which would very quickly become known by the name of its telephone word: Girolou.

Portrait d'Alexandre Giros

Alexandre Giros (Founder and Chairman 1932-1937)

Born in 1870 and educated at the École Polytechnique, Alexandre Giros formed a partnership in 1899 with one of his sales colleagues Louis Loucheur to found SGE. He was involved in the promotion of reinforced concrete, becoming one of the founders of the French Union of Reinforced Cement Constructors in 1903.(...)

Portrait de Louis Loucheur

Louis Loucheur (Founder)

Born in 1872 into a Protestant family living in Roubaix, and classmate to Alexandre Giros at the École Polytechnique, Louis Loucheur was involved heavily in politics in addition to his professional life.(...)


The first concession at Roubaix and Tourcoing

After securing the Roubaix gas concession, the founders Alexandre Louis Giros and Loucheur go on take control of urban transport companies in Roubaix and Tourcoing as part of the concessions framework.

Portrait du général Tricon Dunois

General Tricon-Dunois (1896-1996)

Son of the founder of the Grands Travaux en Béton Armé reinforced concrete works company, General Tricon-Dunois had the unique feature of having been both an army general and a business leader.(...)

Aménagement de la Truyère : vue du barrage de la Bromme achevé

1908 – 1946

Electrification (energy concessions)


Foundation and rise of SGE (Société Générale d’Entreprises)

In just a few years, Girolou had adopted the position of one of the major installers of electrical power plants and networks. SGE grew at a very rapid rate, becoming from 1910 the second largest public works company in France, after GTM (Grands Travaux de Marseille). During the First World War, the company contributed to the nation’s war effort. Subsequently, despite the at times delicate environment, it continued to develop, taking part in major projects as an extension of those at the

In just a few years, Girolou had adopted the position of one of the major installers of electrical power plants and networks. SGE grew at a very rapid rate, becoming from 1910 the second largest public works company in France, after GTM (Grands Travaux de Marseille). 

During the First World War, the company contributed to the nation’s war effort. Subsequently, despite the at times delicate environment, it continued to develop, taking part in major projects as an extension of those at the Truyère or the development of the Drac river. The Second World War impacted the company once more, forcing it to abandon its territorial positions.

Amédée Alby, président de la SGE

Amédée Alby (Chairman from 1908 to 1932)

Graduated from the École Polytechnique, he became an engineer for the Corps of Bridges and Roads in 1885. In 1906, he was appointed consulting engineer for the Westinghouse company. He notably contributed to the design of the Pont Mirabeau, completed in 1896 in Paris. He also collaborated on the construction of the Pont Alexandre-III and the Passerelle Debilly.


Lighting of the Paris Motor Show

France is astounded by the electricity fairy. All exhibitions or popular events use it as a tool in their decor. Saunier Duval (which went on to become SDEL) was already one of the most innovative specialists in the sector. It supplied major public lighting markets such as the concession for lighting and electrical distribution of the Grand Palais in Paris where all the major trade fairs were organised.

Éclairage du salon de l'automobile


Rural electrification

Since its inception, SGE has built the first 60,000-volt power line in Europe between Grenoble and Saint-Chamond (Loire) and has focused on hydraulic and thermal plants. It was also concerned with finding customers for its electricity production and transmission companies as well as public works companies. The electrification of rural France became a priority.

Portrait d'Edmé Campenon

Edmé Campenon (1872-1962)

Coming from a family of old nobility and destined to join the École Polytechnique, he chose to enlist as a simple soldier and then travel the world. In 1910, he entered the world of public works and founded the Campenon Bernard company ten years later with André Bernard, a young engineer from Arts et Métiers.(...)

Portrait de Charles Rebuffel

Charles Rebuffel (1861-1942)

Descendant of a family of Marseille merchants, Charles Rebuffel joined the GTM as a polytechnician and engineer at Ponts et Chaussées. here, he successfully carried out the sanitation works planned for the Phocaean city.(...)

Portrait d'André Garczynski

André Garczynski (1888-1944)

Born into a Polish family that had settled in Sarthe since the Napoleonic Wars, André Garczynski studied at the Institut d’électricité de Grenoble before joining forces with Gaston Traploir in 1919.(...)


Water treatment project at Voulzie

The iconic water treatment project of the Paris region, the works at Voulzie were carried out in the 1920s and 1930s. The Eau et Assainissement company, latterly to become Sogea and a subsidiary of Pont-à-Mousson at the time, was able to establish itself as one of the major French specialists in the sector through this technical success.

Eaux de la Voulzie : canalisation en attente de pause Poigny (1923)
Eaux de la Voulzie : traversée de la Seine (1923)
Eaux de la Voulzie : siphon de Champagne-sur-Seine (1923)

Lionel Ignace (1900-1997)

Alongside Georges Courtois, Lionel Ignace was involved in the creation of the Société Française du Vialit in 1924. In 1955, he became its director.(...)

Portrait d'Albert Cochery

Albert Cochery (1898-1981)

Born in the North and orphaned at a very young age, he set himself apart during the First World War, providing valuable information to the General Staff.(...)

Portrait de Sylvain Bourdin

Sylvain Bourdin (1884-1950)

Originally from Angers, Sylvain Bourdin studied law before taking over a steamroller company based in Angers. A shrewd manager, he had little interest in technology; on the other hand,(...)

Louis Chaussé (1897-1980)

Son of a worker in the slate mines of Anjou, he was hired after the First World War by the Gaétan Brun roadworks company. Then, in 1928, he joined forces with Sylvain Bourdin.(...)

Portrait d'Eugène Freyssinet

Eugène Freyssinet (1879-1962)

Born in Corrèze, Eugène Freyssinet studied in Paris, at the Lycée Chaptal, then at the Polytechnique and École des Ponts et Chaussées. After spending nearly ten years in administration, he played an active role in the development of Entreprises Limousin, (...)

Portrait de Gaston Traploir

Gaston Traploir (1889-1968)

Son of a railway inspector, himself an engineer trained in the applications of reinforced concrete and electricity, Gaston Traploir found in André Garczynski an ideal partner.(...)


Development of a section of the Rhine

The Kembs works in the Haut-Rhin department were undertaken in order to develop a section of the Rhine, which was to enable the production and distribution of electricity in Alsace. In August 1932, the hydroelectric plant was completed. With an average annual production of 850 million kWh, Kembs is the largest low-drop hydroelectric power plant in France.

Aménagement de Kembs : usine. Vue aérienne
Portrait de Pierre Chaufour

Pierre Chaufour (1901-1970)

A graduate of the École Centrale, he married Alexandre Dumez's only daughter and was shortly afterwards hired by his father-in-law as a works engineer. When his father-in-law died, he took over the reins of the company and proved to be a great leader of his staff.


Salvage of the maritime terminal at Le Havre

Thanks to the pre-stressing system, a process invented and patented in 1928 by Eugène Freyssinet and which is still used today in many civil works, the reinforced concrete piles of the Le Havre maritime station were reinforced and the entire structure which was sagging and threatening to collapse was salvaged.

Sauvetage de la gare maritime du Havre : ferraillage d' éléments et vérins de fonçage
Portrait d'Ernest Weyl

Ernest Weyl (Chairman March 1937 - July 1937)

A polytechnician of Alsatian origin, Ernest Weyl started out at the State manufacturing factories before joining the Régie Générale des Tabacs (General Tobacco Company) of the Ottoman Empire.(...)

Portrait d'Henri Laborde Milaa

Henry Laborde Milaa (Chairman 1937-1947)

Born in 1886, he entered the Polytechnique in the Corps des Ponts (Corps of Bridge Engineers). Conscripted as an engineer, he fought at Verdun where he was seriously injured. (...)

Usinor train à bandes à Denain (1947-1950) : ouvriers (10/03/1949)

1946 – 1966

The construction era


Civil engineering leader

SGE, with a great presence in the electricity sector until the nationalisation of the latter following the Second World War, redeployed itself extensively into the construction and public works sectors.

Pont de Luzancy sur la Marne en béton précontraint (1945-1946) : mise en tension des câbles d' une poutre centrale en 1945.


Reconstruction of the Port of Dunkirk

After the Liberation, Sainrapt and Brice contributed to in the reconstruction of the port of Dunkirk, which had been very seriously damaged during the Second World War.

Port de Dunkerque : travaux de reconstruction de l' écluse PH Watier (1947)
Portrait de Jean Matheron en 1971

Jean Matheron (Chairman 1947-1971)

A graduate of the École Polytechnique and the École Nationale des Ponts et Chaussées, Jean Matheron married the eldest daughter of Alexandre Giros (co-founder of SGE), and joined the board of directors in 1931.


Construction of the viaducts of Caracas

During the 1950s, Campenon Bernard won numerous contracts in Latin America, particularly in Venezuela. The construction of the viaducts linking the capital Caracas to its port, La Guaira remains one of the most spectacular achievements in this country. The arches of these works were at that time the largest in South America and used the civil works pre-stressing system.

Viaducs de Caracas : vue détaillée du cintre central en cours de montage (1952)
Viaducs de Caracas : viaduc 2. Levage du cintre central (1953)
Viaducs de Caracas : vue générale des viaducs 2 et 3
Portrait de René Godon

René Gonon (1906-2001)

Born in 1906, René Gonon attended the Lycée Ampère in Lyon, then the École Polytechnique and École des Ponts et Chaussées. He began his professional career at SNCF, where he was responsible for the Northern region.(...)

Tunnel de Fourvières à Lyon (1968-1970) : travaux souterrains

1966 - 1988

Absorption by CGE


Inauguration of the Oléron viaduct

In 1966, Campenon Bernard engineers opened the longest viaduct in France to traffic, linking the island of Oléron in Charente-Maritime to the continent. With a total length of 2862 m, its deck is divided into 46 sections of which 26 have a span of 79 m and 16 of which have a span of 40 m.

Viaduc d'Oléron : avancement des travaux (1965)


The Compagnie Générale d’Electricité took over control of SGE.

Having been taken over by the Compagnie Générale d’Électricité (now Alcatel) in 1966, SGE participated in the creation of Cofiroute, before merging in 1982 with Sainrapt et Brice.


Salvage of the Abou Simbel temple

In 1954, Egypt decided to build the Aswan Dam, which would have submerged the great temples of Nubia. Under the aegis of UNESCO, an international collaboration was set up to save the temple of Abu Simbel, the sanctuary of Ramses II. GTM participated in this operation, which consisted in dismantling the rock temple, transporting it block by block and rebuilding it 65 m above Lake Nasser, before the final flooding took place.

Sauvetage du temple d'Abou Simbel en Egypte : vue générale de l' entrée du temple au début des travaux
Sauvetage du temple d'Abou Simbel en Egypte : vue du chantier
Sauvetage du temple d'Abou Simbel : transport d'une tête de statue par portique
Sauvetage du temple d'Abou Simbel : transport d'une tête de statue par portique
Sauvetage du temple d'Abou Simbel : trois têtes de statues découpées en attente de déplacement
Ouvrier découpant les pierres du Temple d'Abou Simbel
Vue des travaux du temple d'Abou SImbel
Relevés des mesures sur le chantier du temple d'Abou Simbel


Construction of the Paris-Le Mans and Paris-Poitiers motorways

With the creation of Cofiroute, work began and the first concession motorways saw the light of day.

Autoroute A7 Rognac-Vitrolles

The 1970s

The rise of nuclear power

Freyssinet established itself in France as a key partner of EDF and signed the largest contracts in its history for the nuclear installations of the Tricastin, Gravelines and Dampierre power plants. The Group would go on to be associated with another 30 installations to be built by 1980.

Centrale nucléaire de Dampierre-en-burly en construction
Portrait de Roger Schulz

Roger Schulz (Chairman from 1971 to 1974)

Born on November 21 1919 in Paris, a graduate of the École Centrale, he joined the general management of the Aciéries de Longwy in 1943 as an engineer, where he remained until 1950, when he was recruited as a director at the Banque de Paris et des Pays-Bas.(...)

Portrait de Pierre-Donatien Cot

Pierre-Donatien Cot (Chairman from 1975 to 1980)

Born in Paris on September 10 1911, he entered the Polytechnique and then the École Nationale des Ponts et Chaussées. He embarked upon his career as an engineer for the Ponts et Chaussées in Paris (1936),(...)


Completion of the Montreal Olympic Games complex

Freyssinet actively participated in the construction of the Montreal Olympic Games complex in Canada, which hosted the 1976 Games. The group notably built the velodrome, for which a special system was developed to decentre the roof using jacking on the 4 abutments. Construction of the Beaubourg Centre in ParisDesigned by Renzo Piano and Richard Rogers, and built by GTM, the Georges-Pompidou Centre is one of the most striking Parisian buildings of the second half of the 20th Century, even if

Freyssinet actively participated in the construction of the Montreal Olympic Games complex in Canada, which hosted the 1976 Games. The group notably built the velodrome, for which a special system was developed to decentre the roof using jacking on the 4 abutments. Construction of the Beaubourg Centre in Paris

Designed by Renzo Piano and Richard Rogers, and built by GTM, the Georges-Pompidou Centre is one of the most striking Parisian buildings of the second half of the 20th Century, even if gaining acceptance of the integration of this "ship of culture" into the district was a challenge.

Complexe olympique de Montréal (1976) : vue d' ensemble (stade, vélodrome, piscine, amorce de mat)


Construction of the Brotonne bridge

Constructed in 1977, the pont de Bretonne marked a decisive step in the construction of cable-stayed bridges with prestressed concrete decks. The structure, with a total length of 1278.4 m, includes a cable-stayed bridge with three spans of 143.5 m, 320 m and 143.5 m.

Vue du pont de Brotonne pendant sa construction
Vue du pont de Brotonne pendant sa construction
Portrait de Paul Naudo

Paul Naudo (Chairman from 1980 to 1984)

Paul Naudo was born in 1926 in Prades (Pyrénées-Orientales department of France). He graduated from the École Centrale. In 1956, he joined forces with one of his former classmates,(...)


The Saint-Gobain company became the majority shareholder of SGE

Between 1984 and 1988, the company continued to grow within the sphere of influence of Saint-Gobain, then within that of the Compagnie Générale des Eaux (to become Vivendi). It then merged with Campenon Bernard, while retaining its name and legal identity. These operations changed the nature of SGE, which became a holding company heading up a great many subsidiaries.

Portrait de Serge Michel

Serge Michel (Chairman from 1984 to 1990)

Serge Michel has spent his entire professional life in the world of construction and public works. n 1951, he joined SEAS as a director, then in 1955 became director of Établissements Houdry.(...)


Construction of Parc de la Villette in Paris

After the Georges Pompidou Centre, the GTM Group became the general contractor once again for a project that symbolises the architectural modernisation of Paris. This time, it was the Museum of Science, Technology and Industry in the Parc de la Villette. A few years after the closure of the La Villette slaughterhouses in 1974, the GTM Group began developing the 55 hectares of industrial wasteland.

Vue aérienne du Parc de La Villette à Paris
Cité des sciences, des techniques et de l' industrie de la Villette à Paris : travaux achevés
Portrait de Pierre-Léon Dufour

Pierre Léon-Dufour (1937-2001)

Pierre Léon-Dufour was born in 1937 in Tarbes, in the Hautes-Pyrénées. A graduate of the École Nationale des Ponts et Chaussées, he was already working for the GTM group when it embarked on its parking facility adventure.(...)


Construction of the nuclear facility at Golfech

In the mid-1950s, the GTM Group participated in the energy policy that the French government was aiming for. Between 1985 and 1987, it was responsible for the construction of two cooling towers at the Golfech nuclear power plant in Tarn, which held the world record for height, at 178.5 m.

Centrale nucléaire de Golfech dans le Tarn en cours d' achèvement
Ouvrier dans le Tunnel sous la Manche

1988 – 2000


Portrait de Guy Dejouany

Guy Dejouany (Chairman from 1990 to 1996)

A graduate of the École Polytechnique and a Ponts et Chaussées engineer, Guy Dejouany spent most of his career at the Compagnie Générale des Eaux (now Vivendi), where he was successively Deputy Managing Director in 1965(...)


Inauguration of the Channel Tunnel

The tunnel, which is divided into three tunnels, spans a total length of 50.5 km. of which 37 km are 50 m under the surface. In addition, the terminal facilities in France extend over 520 hectares; the size of an international airport. Of the five French companies facing this extraordinary technical challenge, the current VINCI group is represented by two entities.

Tunnel sous la Manche : galerie T 3
Tunnel sous la Manche : puits d'accès
Tunnel sous la Manche : assemblage du tunnelier (tête de forage 8,80 m de section ; poids 1300 tonnes)
Liaison ferroviaire entre le tunnel sous la Manche et Londres : 2 tunnels à ciel ouvert
Tunnel sous la Manche : jonction (1/12/1990)
Tunnel sous la Manche : les équipes du T4 à la sortie du tunnelier
Tunnel sous la Manche : jonction, poignée de mains (1/12/1990)


Construction of the Normandie bridge

The Pont de Normandie, constructed by a consortium including Campenon Bernard, Dumez, GTM, Sogea and Freyssinet, was the second longest cable-stayed bridge in the world at that time - with a main span of 856 m. It connects Le Havre to Honfleur by spanning the Seine estuary. With a total length of 1966 m, the bridge comprises two concrete pylons reaching a height of 215 m. Although its span is more modest than that of the large suspension bridges, the Pont de Normandie nevertheless represents

The Pont de Normandie, constructed by a consortium including Campenon Bernard, Dumez, GTM, Sogea and Freyssinet, was the second longest cable-stayed bridge in the world at that time - with a main span of 856 m. It connects Le Havre to Honfleur by spanning the Seine estuary. With a total length of 1966 m, the bridge comprises two concrete pylons reaching a height of 215 m. Although its span is more modest than that of the large suspension bridges, the Pont de Normandie nevertheless represents considerable progress in the area of cable-stayed bridges. In particular, it can withstand winds in excess of 300 km/h.

Pont de Normandie achevé (1995)


Reorganisation of the SGE

SGE was reorganised into four business area divisions: concessions, energies, roadwork, construction.

Portrait de Jean-Marie Messier

Jean-Marie Messier (Chairman of SGE from 1996 to 1997)

A graduate of the École Polytechnique and the École Nationale d'Administration, Jean-Marie Messier began his career as a financial inspector in 1982. He was successively chief of staff to the minister responsible for privatisation,(...)

Portrait d'Antoine Zacharias

Antoine Zacharias (Chairman of SGE then of VINCI from 1997 to 2006)

A graduate of ENSEEIHT, Antoine Zacharias held various management positions within the Compagnie Générale des Eaux, where he spent most of his career.(...)


Jin Mao Tower in China

The Jin Mao Tower built by Campenon Bernard overlooks Shanghai from its height of 420.50 m. Built to be the tallest tower in the world in its category (concrete core and steel frame), it includes 88 floors, 88,000 square metres of curtain walls, 8 mega-columns surrounding its reinforced concrete core and a 38 m spire.

Vue de la tour Jin Mao


Inauguration of the Stade de France

Construction works for the Stade de France began in 1995, just three years before its opening for the Football World Cup. The geological conditions, the surrounding urban landscape and the tight deadlines made this project a challenge. Three French companies shared the work equally, including Dumez and SGE. The Stade de France was operated under a concession by VINCI from the time of its inauguration.

Stade de France : vue aérienne
Stade de France : vue aérienne
Stade de France : inauguration du 28 janvier 1998 pour France-Espagne


Opening of the Vasco da Gama Bridge at Lisbon to traffic

Inaugurated in 1998, the Vasco da Gama Bridge is a 17 km-long structure that comprises a main cable-stayed bridge span 824 m in length, four viaducts 488 m, 672 m, 6531 m and 3825 m long, an interchange, a service and toll area. The entire assembly is designed to withstand an earthquake of a magnitude more than four times greater than the one that destroyed the capital in 1755, without suffering any damage. Placed during the works under the management of Campenon Bernard, the structure has been

Inaugurated in 1998, the Vasco da Gama Bridge is a 17 km-long structure that comprises a main cable-stayed bridge span 824 m in length, four viaducts 488 m, 672 m, 6531 m and 3825 m long, an interchange, a service and toll area. The entire assembly is designed to withstand an earthquake of a magnitude more than four times greater than the one that destroyed the capital in 1755, without suffering any damage. Placed during the works under the management of Campenon Bernard, the structure has been operated under concession by VINCI since its completion.

Vue aérienne du pont Vasco de Gama


Air conditioning and fire protection of the Reichstag at Berlin

Renovation of the German parliament that burned down in 1933, for which Nickel implemented cutting-edge techniques and solutions in air conditioning and fire protection.

Reichstag de Berlin : protection incendie + climatsation "plafond froid"
Vue du pont Charilaos Trikoupis

2000 - present

Birth and development of VINCI


Inauguration and independence of VINCI

Vivendi (formerly the Compagnie Générale des Eaux) completed its divestment of capital from SGE. Friendly take-over bid from SGE for Groupe GTM: the SGE-Groupe GTM merger resulted in the birth of VINCI. VINCI became independent.

The successful friendly take-over of Groupe GTM in the second quarter of 2000 enabled VINCI to secure the worldwide top spot in the sector, ahead of Swedish company Skanska and French company Bouygues.

Portrait de Leonard de Vinci

Leonardo da Vinci

A tribute to the multiple genius of this man who was at once an artist, scientist and engineer, the name VINCI places the Group's identity under the banner of humanism, inventiveness and technical challenge.(...)


The connectors

The VINCI logo comprises connectors once used in the construction of cathedrals to bind the stones together.(...)


Creation of the global main stakeholder in the parking sector

VINCI created VINCI Park, which would go on to become one of the main stakeholders worldwide in the parking sector, before divesting itself of this activity in 2016.

Parc de stationnement George V à Paris


VINCI was floated on the CAC 40 index

VINCI became a global leader in the concessions and construction sectors and was floated on the CAC 40 index.

Assemblée générale des actionnaires


The Hall of Mirrors of the Royal Palace of Versailles restored by VINCI

VINCI became a Major Patron of the Ministry of Culture and began the restoration of the Hall of Mirrors at the Palace of Versailles, the largest cultural patronage and operation of expertise ever carried out in France.

Vue générale de la galerie des Glaces restaurée


Opening of the Charilaos-Trikoupis (Rion-Antirion) bridge to traffic, linking the Peloponnese to mainland Greece

2252 m in length, the installation, located in a seismic zone, was built by VINCI Construction Grands Projets and is operated by VINCI under a 35-year concession.

Vue aérienne du pont Charilaos Trikoupis en Grèce


Creation of VINCI Autoroutes

VINCI, already a concession company of Cofiroute, acquired control of ASF and Escota from the State and created VINCI Autoroutes which went on to become the number one French roadwork concession company.

Le doublement de l’A9 au niveau de Montpellier, réalisé  dans les années 2010, a permis de séparer trafic de transit (au centre) et desserte locale
Portrait d'Yves-Thibault de Silguy

Yves-Thibault de Silguy (Chairman from June 2006 to May 2010)

Yves-Thibault de Silguy holds a law degree from the University of Rennes, a graduate degree in public law from the Institut d’études politiques de Paris, public service section, and the École nationale d’administration.(...)


The construction division activity included specialist business lines

Acquisition of Soletanche Bachy and Entrepose Contracting, specialist activities with a strong international presence.


Construction of the Grande Ravine viaduct at La Réunion

The Route de Tamarins, a 34 km link road cut into the island's rugged terrain, is a veritable smorgasbord of structures of different types, some of which are unique. Several VINCI Construction companies were involved in this vast project, particularly around the impressive Grande Ravine viaduct. It is a thin blade that soared above the void in October, without piers or cable-stays, so as not to endanger the Tropical Shearwater, a rare bird that nests at the bottom of this 290 m wide and 170

The Route de Tamarins, a 34 km link road cut into the island's rugged terrain, is a veritable smorgasbord of structures of different types, some of which are unique. Several VINCI Construction companies were involved in this vast project, particularly around the impressive Grande Ravine viaduct. 

It is a thin blade that soared above the void in October, without piers or cable-stays, so as not to endanger the Tropical Shearwater, a rare bird that nests at the bottom of this 290 m wide and 170 m deep ravine. To cross it, VINCI Construction designed this innovative structure with reduced arch effect. Part of the loads from the metal deck are transferred to the ground, duly reinforced, and the other part in the pre-stressing cables: tie rods integrated into the deck and anchored in the buried counterweights that extend the enormous abutments embedded in the sides of the walls. In addition to the civil engineering of the bridge, led by Dodin Campenon Bernard, and the pre-stressing, carried out by Freyssinet, the sealing of the roadways was carried out by Eurovia. The structure was opened to traffic in 2009.

Construction d' un viaduc mixte béton-acier de 288 m de longueur et 20 m de largeur situé à Trois-Bassins, permettant de franchir la Grande Ravine, une faille large de près de 300 m et profonde de 170 m


Cegelec became part of VINCI Energies

VINCI acquired Cegelec and Faceo as part of its energy and facility management business lines.

Xavier Huillard - président directeur général de VINCI

Xavier Huillard (Chairman and Chief Executive Officer since May 2010)

Xavier Huillard is a graduate of the École Polytechnique and the École Nationale des Ponts et Chaussées.(...)


Laying of 450 km of pipelines in Papua New Guinea

As part of its project to build a liquefied natural gas (LNG) terminal in Papua New Guinea, Esso Highlands Limited, a subsidiary of Exxon Mobil Corporation, awarded Spiecapag, a subsidiary of Entrepose Contracting (VINCI Construction), the contract to build 450 km of onshore pipelines. Spiecapag was responsible for the engineering, equipment supply, construction and commissioning of the infrastructure.

Construction d'un pipeline en Papouasie Nouvelle-Guinée


Construction of the SEA Tours-Bordeaux LGV

VINCI enters the high-speed rail network concessions sector with the LGV Sud Europe Atlantique, which went into service in 2017.

Section Cubzac-Les Ponts-Autoroute A10 - Pont rail


Completion of Cité du Cinéma

VINCI Immobilier completed the Cité du Cinéma  at Saint-Denis, a new hub dedicated to the seventh art designed by Luc Besson, bringing together all the professions in the film industry in France. This 62,000 m2 complex offers in particular 9 film sets, workshops for the production of sets, training premises for the École nationale supérieure Louis Lumière, a projection room, a covered street, tertiary spaces as well as common services, shops and a restaurant.

Intérieur de la cité du cinéma à Saint-Denis


Decisive development in airport concessions

VINCI ramped up its expansion into the airport concessions sector by taking over Portuguese company ANA and becoming the operator of ten airports in Portugal.

Vue du hall de l'aéroport de Porto


VINCI Energies consolidated its growth internationally

With the acquisition of Imtech ICT and Electrix, VINCI Energies continued its growth on the international stage.


Inauguration of the Louis Vuitton Fondation

This building, unique in its architecture and with a net floor area of ​​13,700 m2, is distinguished by its 12 monumental glass roofs, enveloping a highly complex structure combining 19 "icebergs" clad in white panels of ultra-high-performance fibre-reinforced concrete and 47 glazed enclosures.

Vue de nuit de la Fondation Louis Vuitton à Paris
Entrée de la Fondation Vuitton
Vue du toit de la Fondation Vuitton
Vue du toit de la Fondation Vuitton
Vue de la Défense depuis le toit de la Fondation Vuitton


VINCI Airports expanded its hub network

VINCI pursued its growth in the airport sector in Chile, Japan and the Dominican Republic. VINCI Airports then expanded its network of hubs in Chile, Japan, the Dominican Republic, Brazil, USA, UK, Costa Rica, Serbia and Mexico, assuming its position as one of the leading airport operators in the world.


Concession companies and constructors at work at Santiago airport in Chile

The Nuevo Pudahuel consortium, comprising Aéroports de Paris, VINCI Airports and Astaldi, was appointed to manage Santiago de Chile international airport for a period of twenty years. The concession for this airport, the sixth in South America, is an important milestone in VINCI Airports’ international development strategy.

Vue d'un avion à l'aéroport de Santiago du Chili avec les montagnes en arrière-plan


Construction and operation of the Regina Bypass highway in Canada

Regina Bypass Partners (VINCI Concessions), in partnership with Parsons Enterprises, the Connor Clark & Lunn GVest fund and Gracorp Capital, has signed a 30-year public-private partnership contract with the Saskatchewan Ministry of Highways and Infrastructure for the construction and operation of the bypass highway around Regina, the capital of the Canadian province of Saskatchewan.

Rondpoint sur l'autoroute de Regina Bypass
Coucher de soleil sur le chantier de Regina Bypass au Canada
Inauguration du contournement de Regina au Canada
Voitures circulant sur l'autoroute de Regina Bypass


Development of road infrastructure concessions to an international level

VINCI also secured new road infrastructure concessions internationally, such as in Greece, Germany, Slovakia, USA, Canada, Peru and Colombia.

Vue de de l’autoroute de 141 km reliant la capitale Bogotá à la ville de Girardot, dans la province d’Alto Magdalena


Commissioning of the SEA Tours-Bordeaux LGV

On 2 July 2017, the Sud Europe Atlantique Tours-Bordeaux high-speed line, built and operated by VINCI, was officially opened, marking the end of the project and the start of commercial operation.

TGV traversant un pont sur la LGV SEA


Completion of the containment building at Chernobyl

VINCI Construction Grands Projets and Bouygues Travaux Publics, partners in the Novarka consortium, symbolically handed over the key of the Chernobyl containment building to the Ukrainian authorities.

Assemblage, levage et bardage métallique de confinement de l'arche de Tchernobyl
Vue aérienne du bardage de l'arche de Tchernobyl
Ouvriers participant au ferraillage de la base de l'arche de Tchernobyl
Photo du groupe de collaborateurs ayant participé à l'assemblage de l'arche de Tchernobyl
Vue de l'arche de Tchernobyl assemblée, recouvrant le réacteur


Opening of the Pont de l’Atlantique to traffic in Panama

The construction of this structure required the mobilisation of numerous expert departments from the Group's subsidiaries: VINCI Construction Grands Projets for the construction of the structure, Rodio Swissboring Panamá (Soletanche Bachy) for the construction of the deep foundations, and Freyssinet for the installation of the stay cables.

Vue aérienne du pont de l'Atlantique


Merging of the VINCI Construction and Eurovia business lines

VINCI Construction established as a new, expanded division thanks to the merger with Eurovia, continued its significant development on the foundation of the three pillars of its model: proximity networks, major projects and specialist business lines.


Construction of electrical infrastructure in Benin

VINCI Energies signed a contract with the Ministry of Economy and Finance and the Ministry of Energy of the Republic of Benin for the construction of a set of electricity transmission and distribution infrastructures.

Construction d’infrastructures électriques au Bénin


VINCI Construction participated in the work on the Lyon-Turin rail link

As part of the construction of the 57.5 km tunnel that will link Saint-Jean-de-Maurienne in France to Susa in Italy, the project owner Tunnel Euralpin Lyon-Turin (TELT) has awarded the contract for work package 2 to the group of companies headed up by VINCI Construction Grands Projets.

Chantier TELT Lyon - Turin


Commissioning of the Strasbourg Western Bypass

The Strasbourg Western Bypass (A355), in Bas-Rhin, was commissioned on 17 December. Recognised as being of public interest on 23 January 2008, this 24 km infrastructure is the largest motorway project in recent years in France.

Vue aérienne du contournement de Strasbourg, la nouvelle A355 déleste de son trafic de transit l’ancienne autoroute qui traversait la ville et sera reconvertie en boulevard urbain


Cobra IS joined VINCI’s Energy division which also includes VINCI Energies.

Cobra IS is a major stakeholder in Spain and Latin America and renowned for its expertise in industrial engineering, applied mainly to the energy sector. For the first time, 55% of the Group’s turnover was achieved internationally.