
Financial transactions

EMTN program

Euro Medium Term Note Programme Due from one year from the date of original issue.

Share buy-back information notice

Description of the treasury share buy-back programme submitted by the Board of Directors for the approval of the Combined General Meeting of Shareholders.

Final terms

History of final terms.

Weekly statement of share repurchases

History of Weekly statement of share repurchases.

Liquidity contract

History of half-yearly reports on the implementation of liquidity contracts.

Group Savings Scheme

Issue of new VINCI shares reserved for the employees of the Group and its subsidiaries, in France and abroad, in the context of the savings plan.

Green bond

Green bond allocation and impact report.

Non-dilutive cash-settled convertible bonds

Information pertaining to the convertible non-dilutive cash-settled bonds issue of VINCI.

Other financial transactions

Information notes and other financial transactions.