Research & innovation

Inventing the world of tomorrow means participating actively in the transformations at work in sustainable construction, new forms of mobility, decarbonised energy and the digital sphere. This is indeed the ambition behind VINCI’s research and innovation policy, supported by our different business lines and an ecosystem of academic partners and startups.

Collaborateur devant un écran du projet Streetlight, mis en oeuvre par Electrix, qui vise à moderniser l’ensemble des réseaux et équipements d’éclairage public du territoire de Canberra

A research and innovation organisation that is both Group-wide and networked 

 The world of tomorrow offers an almost inexhaustible field of action, calling for innovative solutions that go beyond conventional responses. To find them, we need to harness all our creativity Group-wide, enlisting all our business lines and our full constellation of startups, research centres and other partners. On top of contributing to these Group-wide structures, our business lines also carry out work on specific innovations related to their activities.  

Renouvellement pour cinq ans du partenariat pour le lab recherche environnement VINCI- ParisTech

Group-wide platforms


Leonard is VINCI’s foresight and innovation programme. In a rapidly changing world, it aims to respond to the great challenges facing our business lines. It brings together all the people working on the future of cities and regions, detecting new trends, identifying opportunities to grow and evolve and supporting innovative entrepreneurial projects, both in-house and from outside the Group. These projects can give birth to new activities or entities at VINCI and accelerate our business lines’ integration of the most innovative technologies.

Leonard programme par VINCI



projects supported in 2023


initiatives accompanied since the creation of Leonard in 2017

La Fabrique de la Cité 

La Fabrique de la Cité, a think tank founded and supported by VINCI, is tasked with stimulating public debate on the major challenges in the transformation and development of cities and regions. With its interdisciplinary approach, La Fabrique brings together the experts involved in developing cities, in France and across the world, businesses, public authorities, scientific labs and non-profits, to discuss best practices in urban development and present novel ways of building and rebuilding cities.  

- La Fabrique de la Cité lance un nouveau cycle d’études sur les fleuves en ville

Lab recherche environnement  

Lab recherche environnement is the scientific partnership between VINCI and three engineering schools (Mines Paris Paris-PSL, École des Ponts ParisTech, AgroParisTech), in an approach based on scientific sponsorship. Since 2008, the schools’ research teams, in cooperation with our employees, design tools to reduce the environmental impact of buildings, neighbourhoods and infrastructure, focusing on three major research areas: energy efficiency, sustainable mobility and biodiversity in the city. The results of this research are made public and shared with the scientific community, but also with city and regional players and stakeholders to facilitate decision making and improve practices. VINCI employees work alongside researchers to identity, upstream, potential demonstrators among the Group’s projects that can provide suitable testing grounds. 


thesis, post-doctorate and research contract projects supported in 2023


people working in the environment lab

Innovation is central to our business lines

La Factory at VINCI Energies  

La Factory, VINCI Energies’ innovation model, is dedicated to convergence and innovation organised around ecosystems. It houses the business line’s brand management teams (Actemium, Axians, Citeos, Omexom, VINCI Facilities), service-sector teams, smart city teams and VINCI Energies’ development and innovation department. The goal is to provide its employees with a place for thinking, discussing and co-building the solutions of tomorrow with startups, partners and Group customers.

The startup at VINCI Autoroutes, a VINCI Autoroutes subsidiary specialising in artificial intelligence, designs and implements high-tech software solutions to serve road activities. The startup, which focuses on users’ needs, leverages its technical expertise in AI to create better managed, better shared and more sustainable road networks., intelligence artificielle identifiant des véhicules sur une autoroute

VINCI Concessions’ centres of excellence  

Thanks to its networked organisation, VINCI Concessions trials innovative solutions on the ground. The company, always on the lookout for new technological trends, collaborates with local and global innovation ecosystems, in partnership with startups and universities, to design the future of mobility.

Helping invent the world of tomorrow 

Our goal is, first, to foster emergence of the innovations that are already transforming the Group’s business activities and, secondly, to explore their long-term perspectives, particularly as concerns the environmental transition. Relying on the innovations developed by our business lines, we are already trialling the solutions and services that presage the world of tomorrow: a more sustainable world, where energy generation, storage and use will be rethought, where mobility will be reinvented and where we will see an ever greater number of new infrastructure assets to harvest, transport, store and process information.

Nouvelles perspectives de VINCI

Opening up new prospects for Group companies

Meeting the challenge of urban development

The number of people living in cities continues to increase. This concentration of populations in urban spaces drives the need for new housing, business facilities, water supplies, power grids and transport networks. For many years, urban sprawl was the only response to this huge influx of people, despite its many drawbacks: it entails sealing soil, gentrifies certain neighbourhoods and pushes workplaces further away from residential areas. To support urban development while avoiding sprawl and ensuring cities remain pleasant to live in, we need to rethink the question of higher density. Raising the height of the built environment or capitalising on underground spaces look like interesting solutions, given that available land has become scarce. The city of tomorrow also needs to create modular spaces that can be used to meet changing needs over time.  

L'archipel, siège social de VINCI

L’archipel, VINCI’s head office: rethinking ways of integrating a corporate structure into the city

By building VINCI’s new headquarters in Paris on a 300 metre long brownfield around the railway line, we were able to recycle lost space and build the city over the city. L’archipel houses offices, shops and a new public transport station. As an extension of the public space, it serves two purposes at once: it showcases the Group’s expertise and business activities, as with the recycled and low-carbon concrete used in its construction, and takes positions in a responsible urbanisation approach, conceived for the long term, to serve users.

Learn more

Developing more sustainable mobility

The transport sector is under pressure to comply with the requirements imposed by the climate challenge. As one of the sectors emitting the highest levels of greenhouse gases, it needs to reinvent itself. How? By adapting the array of public transport options and encouraging carpooling and intermodal travel, while also tackling the challenge of logistics, parcel delivery and electric mobility.

Promouvoir le covoiturage sur autoroute
Illustration du corridor électrique pour poids lourds

Induction roads for decarbonisation: contactless recharging of heavy goods vehicles 

For more sustainable, long-distance freight transport, we are developing dynamic charging by electromagnetic induction to allow HGVs to recharge their batteries while travelling. This constitutes a solution for resolving certain range issues for long-distance transport. These systems can be deployed on sections that carry large numbers of HGVs to create corridors for decarbonised freight transport by road.

Learn more 

Helping to preserve the environment  

The world of tomorrow demands both better management of resources and preservation of natural environments. This means adopting a circular economy approach but also a new way of thinking about the world around us, and in particular cities. They must embrace renaturing and become biodiversity spaces, thanks to such initiatives as development of green roofs and walls, together with cool islands.  

Biodi(V)strict: integrating biodiversity within urban development projects

Biodi(V)strict is a diagnostic and decision-making tool that allows integration of biodiversity from the design phase of an urban or peri-urban project. Depending on the characteristics of the site, Biodi(V)strict proposes solutions that foster biodiversity, such as green roofs and walls, setting aside land for urban agriculture or creating ponds. The goal is to reclaim corridors in the city that allow animal species to move through it. 

Increasing the energy performance of buildings and infrastructure   

With the effects of climate heating already being felt, it is urgent to develop solutions to both reduce CO2 emissions and optimise the energy performance of facilities. A complete paradigm shift is required: infrastructure, roads, buildings, hitherto energy-passive or even energy-intensive, will have to produce energy themselves. The buildings of tomorrow must, for instance, be designed as energy hubs, generating their own energy and managing consumption through use of smart systems. Meanwhile, we need to find solutions for improving the energy performance of existing infrastructure.  

L’image montre une représentation architecturale moderne d’un bâtiment à plusieurs étages avec un design géométrique unique, intégrant des espaces verts et des zones piétonnes pour une communauté dynamique.
Pose de panneaux isolants avec la solution Rehaskeen de VINCI Construction

Rehaskeen®: accelerate thermal renovation of energy-intensive buildings 

VINCI Construction has developed a thermal renovation solution for facades – Rehaskeen® – using customised, prefabricated insulation panels. The solution is particularly adapted to the renovation needs of multi-family housing or tertiary buildings. Fabrication of the panels in workshops associated with an ultra-fast, patented installation system that requires no scaffolding and less drilling of facades makes for a shorter worksite and less disruption for users during the works. Another advantage: the panels are made from recycled or bio-sourced materials that can be reused in the event of later removal or replacement.  

Harnessing digital innovation to transform our business activities  

The new digital technologies offer an opportunity to reduce the physical difficulties of our activities and deadlines, boost our creativity and increase our productivity. In the construction industry, for instance, use of Building Information Modelling (BIM) will become the new normal. BIM tools create 3D models of facilities and infrastructure on digital platforms, which the people designing, building and maintaining them share. The advantage of this solution is that it radically optimises design, construction and maintenance of the structures built.

Working towards the digital transition of our world  

Automation and big data processing, made possible by artificial intelligence, are no doubt revolutionary, allowing us to reinvent and enrich relations with our customers by offering them unique services that themselves lead to new practices and new modes of consumption. We are also developing solutions to build the smart, i.e. connected, buildings of tomorrow.

Ulys: a digital solution to enrich drivers’ motorway experience

Ulys, the VINCI Autoroutes 100% digital brand, is the leader in multi-service subscriptions for road mobility in France. It offers ECT subscriptions adapted to each user’s needs, together with a whole array of services that can be accessed from an app: tracking of consumption and invoices, localisation of the EV charging terminals available along the user’s itinerary, etc.  

Ulys also enables users to pay for parking in some 1,000 car parks in Europe, and, with the Ulys Electric pass, to charge their electric vehicles everywhere in France.