Photo de groupe à la cérémonie du prix de l'environnement 2024. © Alexis Toureau

VINCI rewards 12 environmental solutions with a positive impact following an internal challenge

For VINCI, the environment is a strategic priority, reflected in the strong commitments the Group has made in the three areas of its environmental ambition: acting for the climate, optimising resources through the circular economy, and preserving natural environments.

This priority is shared by all our employees, who participated en masse in the second VINCI Environment Awards.

With a focus on impact - the positive contribution of the Group's activities to the environmental transition - this new edition collected no less than 1,000 emerging or tried and tested solutions.

All of them respond to one of the six major stakes that the Group has chosen to highlight: mitigation, climate change adaptation, new materials, reuse and recycling, water and renaturation.

Other criteria were taken into account when assessing the solutions: their impact, their business potential and their ability to be replicated on a large scale.

After passing through the regional stages, the in-depth appraisal phases and the final jury... the 12 winning solutions of the VINCI 2024 Environment Awards can be discovered below!


Grand prize


Revilo® combines four approaches into a comprehensive solution that helps to lessen high temperatures and cool built-up areas: rainwater channelling, light-coloured and permeable surfacings, vegetation management and soils.

A VINCI Construction solution, France

Revilo solution

Revilo®: an answer to heat islands in cities

Jury's favourite


A software system that rapidly and inexpensively predicts the probability of flooding in a given area. CaledonIA combines physical and AI models to anticipate water flow patterns, enabling authorities to stay one step ahead and equipping them to adapt.

A VINCI Construction solution, France

CaledonIA : predicting the probability of flooding in a given area


WiseBMS is a proprietary solution to regulate heating and air conditioning through building management systems in office buildings. It aims to optimise energy consumption while improving occupant comfort.

A VINCI Energies solution, France


WiseBMS: harnessing AI to enhance energy efficiency

Act for the climate


ATLoS aims to replace diesel trucks with self-driving electric ones governed by a proprietary software application developed by Cobra IS. The goal is to shrink fleets by 15% and use trucks 24/7 while improving safety and working conditions. ATLoS is purpose-designed for internal logistics requirements at production units.

A Cobra IS solution, Portugal


ATLoS: autonomous electric trucks upgrading internal logistics at industrial facilities


A solution to design and build very-low-carbon collective housing – that doesn’t cost more – by manufacturing components off-site. The Volucia system involves setting up and operating a production facility to make the prefabricated parts that are then used to build modular homes that meet France’s environmental standards due in 2031. It includes a software system that ensures consistency and quality from design to on-site assembly.

A VINCI Construction solution, France


Volucia: designing and building very-low-carbon collective housing – that doesn’t cost more – by manufacturing components off-site

Advanced wildfires risk prevention

Preventing fires sparked by contact between trees and medium-voltage powerlines. The solution detects low-current signals suggesting possible hazards, from substations, to defuse risks in high-temperature, low-humidity and windy conditions. The hazards, which often involve fallen branches or overhead lines, are identified by a high-impedance system and sophisticated algorithms. The technology picks up slight variations, which usually go unnoticed, to enhance overall grid safety.

A VINCI Energies solution, Portugal

Optimise resources thanks to the circular economy

100 % Ogêo

100% Ogêo is a choice of high-performance aggregates combining primary resources (from quarries) and secondary ones (from earthworks and deconstruction). The proportion of recycled materials varies according to the quality and quantity of secondary materials available in the area.

A VINCI Construction solution, France

100 % Ogêo

An unrivalled range of aggregates to encourage customers to adopt a more circular approach and ease reliance on natural resources.


The solution releases latent value in existing property. Its goal is to repurpose obsolete, underused or unused buildings, so that they can once again play a meaningful role in the community. A software system aggregates and analyses urban planning and property market data to establish a building’s upcycling potential, which can involve renovating, multi-purposing or greening it.

A VINCI Autoroutes & VINCI Immobilier solution, France


POPI: a real-estate portfolio optimisation plan, based on urban space recycling principles, for large property owners.

Preserving natural environments


Uxel’eau standalone dynamic filtering systems save up to 91% of the water that is wasted during routine tank draining operations, and some of the electricity powering fire protection systems. It also protects facilities from frost – consuming only one-third of the electricity that currently available systems use.

A VINCI Energies solution, France

Uxel’eau solutions

Uxel’eau solutions


This tried-and-tested solution opens the door to reusing non-conventional water (greywater, rainwater, industrial or farming effluents). It lists all the sources of this water within the Group (treatment plants, quarry lakes, motorway drainage ponds, etc.), identifies the possibilities for reusing each one and draws up the associated proposals.

A VINCI Autoroutes & VINCI Construction solution, France


Qualifying all the non-conventional water resources in the Group, to reuse treated wastewater

Restore seagrass

Protecting and restoring seagrass meadows is one of the main measures that ANA (VINCI Airports) is taking to offset its carbon emissions. The solution, backed by the European LIFE programme, is reconstituting damaged seagrass meadows off the coast of Faro, in Portugal. It was developed with the University of Algarve’s Centre of Marine Sciences and eight other partners, and involves restoring underwater vegetation, removing invasive algae species, and monitoring biodiversity with drones and sensors. This pioneering project will generate blue carbon credits to offset all of ANA’s residual emissions by 2030. 

A VINCI Concessions solution, Portugal

Restore seagrass

Protecting and restoring seagrass: one of the main measures taken by ANA (VINCI Airports) to offset its carbon emissions

Employees' favorite

Inclusive recycle: innovating hand in hand with the informal sector

The airport at Phnom Penh (VINCI Airports), in Cambodia, set itself a zero-waste-to-landfill target two years ago and is taking various measures to reach it: reducing waste at the source with retail concessions (for instance by phasing out single-use plastics and reducing packaging), segregating waste to maximise recyclable content recovery, and including informal workers in the waste management process to increase recycling rates.

A VINCI Concessions solution, Cambodia

Inclusive recycle: innovating hand in hand with the informal sector
Reducing waste at airports, enhancing resource efficiency and creating sustainable economic opportunities