
Functioning of the general meeting

Vue en hauteur d'une l'assemblée générale VINCI



To attend a shareholders meeting, you must be a VINCI shareholder before the date of the meeting. The intention to hold a shareholders meeting is announced several weeks beforehand on VINCI’s website, in the French bulletin of compulsory legal notices (at least 30 days before the date of the meeting) and by a notice published in the press.

Holders of registered shares

You will receive a Notice of Meeting at least two weeks before the meeting. It will include:

- The agenda for the Shareholders’ General Meeting;
- The summary report covering changes in the Group’s revenue and income for 2018 and the parent company’s results for the past five years;
- The presentation of the draft resolutions and the draft resolutions submitted for the approval of the Shareholders’ General Meeting;
- A combined proxy/postal voting form and request for an admission card;
- A pre-paid reply envelope for returning your form, duly completed, dated and signed to:

Crédit Industriel et Commercial – CIC
6 avenue de Provence
75452 Paris Cedex 09 - France

Holders of bearer shares

You must request it through your financial intermediary, who will also provide you with a share ownership certificate so that you can attend and vote at the Shareholders’ General Meeting. Without that certificate, your votes will not be taken into account and you will not be able to obtain an admission card to participate in the Meeting. On receipt of the share ownership certificate from your financial intermediary, send it to:

Crédit Industriel et Commercial – CIC
6 avenue de Provence
75452 Paris Cedex 09 - France

who will send you an admission card. Alternatively, if you want to vote by post and/or give a proxy, attach it to your combined proxy/postal voting form.


The quorum

A shareholders meeting must obtain a quorum in order to take decisions, i.e. to be valid, decisions require the presence of shareholders or their representatives accounting for a minimum number of shares, that number varying according to the nature of the meeting.

Extraordinary Shareholders Meeting:

- on first notice: one-quarter of shares to which voting rights are attached;
- on second notice: one-fifth of shares to which voting rights are attached.

Ordinary Shareholders Meeting:

- on first notice: one-fifth of shares to which voting rights are attached;
- on second notice: no quorum.

Majority rule

Resolutions are adopted by simple majority (50%) of shares present or represented for an Ordinary Shareholders Meeting. For an Extraordinary Shareholders Meeting, a two-thirds majority of shares present or represented is required.


Shareholders have as many votes as they have shares with voting rights (one VINCI share = one vote). People who are unable to attend a shareholders meeting in person can choose to vote in one of three ways identified on the notice form:

Vote by Internet

Holders of registered shares:
Access the voting site

Holders of bearer shares:
Connect to your bank’s website and follow the instruction given on line.

By voting form

Download the instructions (PDF - 500 Kb)

I. Postal voting
Black out the box “Vote by post”

II. Proxy to the Chairman
You can give a proxy to the Chairman by dating and signing the combined proxy/postal voting form without filling in anything else.

III. Proxy to a spouse, civil partner or another shareholder
To give a proxy to a third party, black out the relevant box and give the full name of the person you wish to appoint.