4. Specific verifications

4. Specific verifications

We also performed, in accordance with professional standards applicable in France, the specific verifications required by laws and regulations.

Information provided in the management report of the Board of Directors and in other documents concerning the financial position and parent company financial statements addressed to the shareholders

We are satisfied that the information given in the management report of the Board of Directors and in the documents concerning the financial position and parent company financial statements addressed to the shareholders is fairly stated and agrees with the parent company financial statements.

We attest to the fair presentation and the consistency with the parent company financial statements of the information given with respect to the payment terms referred to in Article D.441-6 of the French Commercial Code.

Information relating to corporate governance

We confirm that the chapter of the management report of the Board of Directors devoted to corporate governance contains the information required by Articles L.225-37-4, L.22-10-10 and L.22-10-9 of the French Commercial Code.

As regards the information provided pursuant to the provisions of Article L.22-10-9 of the French Commercial Code on remuneration and benefits paid to and commitments made to the company officers, we have verified that this information is consistent with the parent company financial statements or the data used to prepare the parent company financial statements, and, where applicable, the information obtained by your Company from companies controlling it or controlled by it. Based on this work, we confirm that this information is accurate and fairly presented.

As regards information relating to items that your Company considered capable of having an impact in the event of a public tender or exchange offer, provided in accordance with Article L.22-10-11 of the French Commercial Code, we have checked that it is consistent with the documents from which it originates and that were sent to us. On the basis of our work, we have no observations to make on that information.

Other information

As required by law, we have satisfied ourselves that information relating to the acquisition of equity interests and the acquisition of control as well as the identity of owners of capital and voting rights has been provided to you in the management report of the Board of Directors.

5. Other legal and regulatory verifications or information

Format of parent company financial statements to be included in the annual financial report

We also verified, in accordance with professional standards for statutory audit procedures to be carried out on parent company and consolidated financial statements presented in the European Single Electronic Format, that the presentation of parent company financial statements to be included in the annual financial report referred to in Article L.451-1-2 I of the French Monetary and Financial Code, prepared under the responsibility of the Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, complies with the format specified in Commission Delegated Regulation (EU) 2019/815 of 17 December 2018.

Based on our work, we conclude that the presentation of the parent company financial statements to be included in the annual financial report complies, in all material aspects, with the European Single Electronic Format (ESEF).

However, it is not our responsibility to verify that the parent company financial statements ultimately included by your Company in the annual financial report filed with the AMF correspond to those on which we performed our work.

Appointment of the Statutory Auditors

Deloitte & Associés was appointed as Statutory Auditor of VINCI at the Shareholders’ General Meeting of 23 June 1989, taking into account mergers and acquisitions of firms since that date, and PricewaterhouseCoopers Audit was appointed as Statutory Auditor of VINCI at the Shareholders’ General Meeting of 17 April 2019.

At 31 December 2023, Deloitte & Associés was in its 35th year and PricewaterhouseCoopers Audit was in its fifth year of total uninterrupted engagement.

6. Responsibilities of Management and persons involved in corporate governance in relation to the parent company financial statements

Management is responsible for preparing financial statements that present a true and fair view, in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles in France, and for setting up the internal controls it deems necessary for preparing financial statements that do not contain any material misstatements, whether due to fraud or error.

When preparing the parent company financial statements, Management is responsible for assessing the Company’s ability to continue as a going concern, for presenting in those statements any necessary information relating to its status as a going concern, and for applying the accounting concept of going concern, except where there is a plan to liquidate the Company or discontinue its operations.