General and financial elements

19.2 Current operating assets and liabilities

Current operating assets and liabilities break down as follows:

    Within 1 year    
(in € millions)   31/12/2021 1 to 3 months 3 to 6 months 6 to 12 months Between
1 and 5 years
5 years
Inventories and work in progress   1,591 684 110 652 143 2
Trade and other receivables   15,559 11,921 1,215 1,526 849 48
Other current operating assets   6,014 4,870 306 465 336 37
Inventories and operating receivables I 23,164 17,475 1,630 2 643 1,328 88
Trade payables   (12,027) (9,044) (1,177) (1,136) (656) (14)
Other current operating liabilities   (16,286) (12,907) (963) (1,287) (968) (162)
Trade and other operating payables II (28,313) (21,952) (2 139) (2,423) (1,624) (176)
Working capital requirement connected with operations I + II (5,149) (4,476) (509) 220 (295) (88)
    Within 1 year    
(in € millions)   31/12/2020 1 to 3 months 3 to 6 months 6 to 12 months Between
1 and 5 years
5 years
Inventories and work in progress   1,428 494 71 561 300 2
Trade and other receivables   12,493 9,974 691 1,214 561 53
Other current operating assets   5,696 4,617 360 374 340 4
Inventories and operating receivables I 19,616 15,085 1,122 2,150 1,200 59
Trade payables   (8,876) (7,669) (484) (476) (236) (12)
Other current operating liabilities   (14,239) (11,638) (758) (922) (753) (168)
Trade and other operating payables II (23,115) (19,306) (1,242) (1,398) (989) (179)
Working capital requirement connected with operations I + II (3,499) (4,222) (120) 752 211 (120)
Breakdown of trade receivables
(in € millions) 31/12/2021 31/12/2020
Trade receivables

Trade receivables



Trade receivables



Allowances against trade receivables

Allowances against trade receivables



Allowances against trade receivables



Trade receivables, net Trade receivables, net31/12/20217,643 Trade receivables, net



The increase in trade receivables arose mainly from the integration of Cobra IS.

In the context of the Covid-19 crisis, the Group adopted a special procedure to monitor its trade receivables. Impairment of Group trade receivables includes a net charge of €43 million for 2021, relating to industry sectors or countries hit hardest by the pandemic.

At 31 December 2021, trade receivables between six and 12 months past due amounted to €375 million (compared with €381 million at 31 December 2020). Impairment in the amount of €64 million has been recognised in consequence (€35 million at 31 December 2020).

Receivables more than one year past due amounted to €363 million (€449 million at 31 December 2020) and impairment of €261 million has been recognised in consequence (€321 million at 31 December 2020).

19.3 Breakdown of current provisions

Accounting policies

Current provisions are directly related to the operating cycle. They are recognised in accordance with IAS 37 and include the part at less than one year of non-current provisions not directly linked to the operating cycle.

These provisions are recognised at their present value. The effect of discounting provisions is recognised under “Other financial income and expense”.

Provisions are taken for contractual obligations to maintain the condition of concession assets. They concern the motorway concession companies and cover the expense of major repairs of roads, bridges, tunnels and hydraulic infrastructure. They also include expenses to be incurred by airport concession companies (repairs to runways, traffic lanes and other paved surfaces) and are calculated on the basis of maintenance expense plans spanning several years, which are updated annually. These expenses are reassessed on the basis of appropriate indexes (mainly the TP01, TP02 and TP09 indexes in France). Provisions are also taken whenever signs of defects are encountered on certain infrastructure.

Provisions for after-sales service cover Group entities’ commitments under statutory warranties relating to completed projects, such as the 10-year warranty on building projects in France. They are estimated statistically on the basis of expenses incurred in previous years or individually on the basis of specifically identified events.

Provisions for losses on completion of contracts and for construction project liabilities are set aside mainly when end-of-contract projections, based on the most likely estimated outcome, indicate a loss, or to cover work yet to be carried out in respect of completed projects under completion warranties.

Provisions for disputes connected with operations relate mainly to disputes with customers, subcontractors, joint contractors or suppliers.

Restructuring provisions include the cost of plans and measures for which there is a commitment whenever these have been announced before the period end.